Homeland Security News

Watch Out for Al Qaeda

We’re bombarded with bad news the credit markets could freeze, millions more could lose their jobs, and today’s recession could turn into a depression. But the danger we aren’t hearing about could outweigh them all: the increased risk of a catastrophic terrorist attack.

A careful study of Osama bin Laden’s videos, letters and Internet statements makes clear that Al Qaeda’s goal is more than to terrorize Americans or to drive us out of the Middle East. Bin Laden believes that Al Qaeda can bring about the economic collapse of the United States and to achieve this goal, he has adopted a strategy of targeting America’s financial centers and economic infrastructure.

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    • When are we going to get serious about Al Qaeda? Hitting them here and there is just delaying their efforts. If we don’t act with an all out effort to defeat these mentally disturbed individuals, it’s just going to cause us to lose more dedicated service personnel. It’s time to pull together one giant operation and hit all known Al Qaeda hideouts at the same time! No warning, just do it and get it done with once and for all! We have the means to do this and we should do it, it’s the “right thing to do”.

    • London was attacked on July 7th 2005 during the G8 conference. I don’t want to sound alarmist but London is going to host the G20 in April 2009. I’m sure M15, M16 and GCHQ are contemplating every scenario, yet if Al Qaeda are going to strike, this would be the perfect oppurtunity. I hope that is not the case.

    • lets wait until the horse escapes the barn, then we will close the door and say it will never happen again.

    • I agree with GLRP007! Is american GOVERMENT waiting for an event greater than 9/11 to occur in order to wipe out the threat that has never been erased from the american people. American people need to know that we do stand behind what we declare that america does not now or ever tolerate terror threats regardless if it is in actions or words. Instead of preparing the american people to stay alert followed by repeated talk of success made abroad to break up terorist camps. I find its frustrating to read about how many service men & woman die for our american cause. All the brave people that our america goverment puts in arms way to smooth out the 9/11 attack on our home land. Tell all the family’s of the 9/11 victims & our service men & woman that we are making progress. How about telling the american people that america will have closure. Our freedom is america the land of the free but at a high cost. Is america free if THERE IS a constant possibility enemies await to revamp they’re hatred for america with an attack greater than that of 9/11. If it be in our financial structures or an actual chemical biological weapon.

    • Al Qaeda, as well as the other muslims terrorist groups, are very focused on dates and anniversaries. February 26th is the anniversary of the first “World Trade Center” bombing and it wouldn’t surprise me if they would choose that date to carry out another attack. These enemies are insidious and it amazes me how many Americans can’t see the danger they pose to us and our country. I just hope that if we are attacked again that we punish them as they have never been punished. Any muslim will be a target as far as I’m concerned if that occurs. They need to be driven so far back into their caves that they are never seen, or heard from, again.

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