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$134 Billion In Seized US Bonds Are Fakes – Washington

U.S. government bonds found in the false bottom of a suitcase carried by two Japanese travelers attempting to cross into Switzerland are fake, a Treasury spokesman said.

“They’re clearly fakes,” Stephen Meyerhardt, a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of the Public Debt in Washington, said yesterday. “That’s beyond the fact that the face value is far beyond what’s out there.”

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  • Re: $134 Billion U.S. Bonds declared fake

    This makes no sense. Who would buy fake $500 million bonds — Better yet who (or what country) would take a chance selling $500 million bonds? If found to be fake by the buyer, there would be Hell to pay. Why not smaller bonds? A total of $134 Billion??? This is serious. Very serious. Is a country (or countries) dumping our treasury bills? Or even trying to flood the market with fake T-bills? Either way this is not good — But I seriously doubt if they are fake.

  • Of course the government is going to say they are fakes and have what appears to be a resonable explanation. I don’t buy it.

  • Why is the Glenn Beck program on Fox News the only outlet reporting this? That is the question that should scare all Americans.

  • The total amount of the bonds just happen to equal what’s left of the TARP funds as of March 09. Sounds as if the globalist are up to no good again.

  • This whole story does not sit well with me. I don’t buy into conspiracy theories or the kook-fringe . . . but this is really disturbing. Either someone is trying “economic terrorism” by destroying the dollar’s value via forgery. Or else some country is trying to quietly get rid of their US dollar holdings. Either way, we need to figure out what is going on here.

  • Oh, boy. Our government has decided that we are all riding the short bus, and no matter what they feed us we will just continue to lick the windows. Bad news, G-Men……..this genie ain’t going back in the bottle. Do you blame any country holding our worthless paper for dumping it as quickly and discreetly as possible? The D.C. A.T.M. machine has gone psycho, and the red ink will swamp the globe. Yea, Obama is brilliant……..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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