Homeland Security News

Bio-terrorism – Al-Qaida and the Plague

In the not too distant past, this story would have been front page news.

In the middle of the massive coverage of U.S. President Barack Obama’s inauguration, a rather troublesome news story emerged. Unfortunately, it failed to get the coverage it deserves. If confirmed, it deserves the full attention of the Obama administration: the story has to do with bio-terrorism.

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  • H.R. 645: To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations.

    H.R. 645: Could it have somthing to do with this?

    mean If our local community hospitals have only 150 beds between them, 10 ventilators, and 1 pulmonologist, in the entire county, where do you place 3-5 thousand respiratory exposures to a deadly disease?

    You need isolation that is mandatory and supervised.

    That would likely be a barracks. Or an old military site. Staffed by a sudden influx of military hospital tents. Guarded by military or national guard troops to prevent spread of disease.

    Could this be otherwise used for political internment? I suppose, but I opt for the less sinister explanation.

    The simple truth is there is not enough staff, ventilators, beds to save thousands of lives of those already infected.

    They will likely die. The goal will be prevention of spread of disease, and comfort care of the dying.

    Just a thought, Hope to God i’m Wrong..

  • When ventilators are in short supply please remember that CPAP machines (for sleep apnea) will do almost the same job – positive pressure ventilation. A pulmonologist isn’t needed; any RT can set it up.

    Bed space (surge capacity) is an issue. But the Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation (USA) requires that (amongst other things) that each hospital has a flexible surge plan. You can try your local hospital to see if they’ll discuss this with you, but don’t be surprised if they say “no”. Some things are best kept classified FOUO.

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