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Black Lung Virus Mystery In Ukraine

According to this news report, televised on Russia Today,  scientists now suspect that swine flu virus may have mutated in Ukraine. Some doctors say that flu in the country has shown unprecedented symptoms, creating the effect of “burnt” or black lungs.

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  • Did not have time to listen to news video, but would like to note:

    Since the outbreak of the “novel influenza A-H1N1, global scientists have speculated whether this hybrid new virus strain might be a lab virus, because it appears to have “reverse engineered itself” to infect humans, after incorporating DNA found in avian, swine and human viruses, including elements found in European and Asian swine viruses. It is a mystery how DNA from the aforementioned viruses managed to combine their proteins with the influenza “A” virus strain of sub-type H1N1 that caused the 1918 Spanish Flu, then mix with swine flu genes from pigs, making it possible to infect humans.

    Scientists last year suggested, that: whether or not the “New Swine Flu” was lab made, it appeared to have the potential of mutating by either a naturally occurring or man-made binary-agent; and the shelf life of a binary agent might be a factor of duration. It would be interesting to determine what actually caused the Ukraine black-lung symptoms.

  • the russian military probably created some mutant variant to get rid of those affected by chernobyl and if it rears its ugly head in the us we should nuke them!!!

  • If you read about the influenza pandemic of 1918, 1919 and 1920 you will realize
    that this pneumonic lung issue was the main reason for the deaths that occurred..
    mutation notwithstanding, this is the face of HINI…..and it is not behind us yet…

  • A suspected Israeli Mossad agent, who is also a microbiologist, apparently warned that this was coming back in August. This video makes that claim. One wonders why it is not being discussed on the major news outlets now. Homeland Security should tell us what this man said while in custody. Isn’t that why we have the Patriot Act, so that information can be shared among intel agencies? As an American citizen, I want my government to defend me from terror threats.


  • Far too early to tell how bad it is. Who are looking at the situation. There are only two reports of black lungs and they are unconfirmed. It certainly looks like a combination of viruses. However comments of a plague are far too inflammatory. There are over 1 million infected but only about 338 deaths. If it was a plague the death rate would be significantly higher. It is more probable that the virus is slightly more virulent and that quick and effective treatment has been either unavailable or difficult to find. If you look at the political situation, it would seem that the Ukriane have been caught unprepared for H1N1. Many Western countries including Britain and the US have a much greater state of readiness and the chances of similar deaths in either country are likely to be much smaller.

  • MOST of the H1N1 deaths are actually not caused by the H1N1 virus itself, but by complications stemming for a viral pneumonia that follows the initial infection like a shadow on a sunny day. This viral pneumonia impacts the lungs at a deeper level. It’s not an UPPER respiratory infection like most pneumonia, but a LOWER infection that hits physically deeper in the lungs themselves. What’s been happening (often enough that experts have begun calling it “influenza-pneumonia syndrome”) is that once the viral pneumonia is cleared up, or begins to clear, a really nasty necrotizing staphylococcal penumonia sets in. The lung tissue literally rots away. I’m wondering if this is what’s happening in the Ukranian cases — as the lung tissue would certainly appear black and burned in a cursory post mortem exam.

  • The worrying aspect of this is that there has to be a serious reason why the black lung virus is not being broadcast by the media, who constantly sensationalise just about everything else. This lack of information leaves the public vulnerable and in ignorance and one can’t help but wonder if the current massive immunization programme of all and sundry right across the world with the H1N1 innoculation, is more sinister than we are being told. I first heard of this black lung virus on RTV – English, whilst in the Middle East. Whilsts we have Fox News, Sky News, BBC World News and Al jazeera among others, this current virus has not been mentioned. Odd and sinister indeed.

  • I have this RIGHT now… been battling it since the end of October.

    last 2 weeks I’ve been coughing up black gunk.

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