Homeland Security News

Cheney: Obama Policies Risk Catastrophic Terror Attacks

Former vice president Dick Cheney has warned that President Barack Obama’s anti-terror policies risk exposing the United States to a catastrophic nuclear or biological attack.

In his first interview since Obama’s inauguration, with Politico Tuesday, Cheney was unapologetic about the bitter controversies surrounding his own influential role in president George W. Bush’s “war on terror.”

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  • Obama said that he would talk to Iran without preconditions.

    The Iranians have reacted with contempt, saying that Obama wants to talk because the U.S. has failed. And the Iran has cheerfully begun setting out its own preconditions: first Ahmadinejad said that Obama “must apologise to the Iranian people and try to repair their past bad acts and the crimes they committed against Iran.” And now we hear that Obama must accept a nuclear Iran for “the chances for dialogue and co-operation” to “succeed.”

    “Iran says US must accept nuclear programme,” by Roula Khalaf and Najmeh Bozorgmehr in Financial Times, February 4

    “This is a cause for Great concern not just here in the United States but in Europe, throughout the Middle East and I believe throughout the greater world,” “the Iranians have demonstrated an ability to fire missiles that could travel at least 2,500 kilometers and probably more. This means that the entire Middle East and much of Europe is in their range.”

  • We cannot allow any country to dictate as to how they communicate with us. We subsidize most of the counties across the globe in one way or another. As far as Iran is concerned we should have stopped their aggression in 1979 then we wouldn’t have the problem we have today. The Obama approach will come back to haunt him as well as bring tragedy to our shores. Obama’s inexperience will be shown in all its glory and guess who will pay the price….we will. Once the muslim countries realize how ineffectual he is and how much he wants to apologize for our “wrongdoings” they will pounce on us without hesitation. As for right now they are taking their time to assess the new administration before they act. As in Iraq where the violence has subsided somewhat, they are only taking time to rearm and reinvigorate their forces until our troops are removed from their soil. These are not stupid enemies we have and they will bring tragedy to us once we let our guard down. I can’t believe how naive Obama is, but after thinking about it, it’s not so hard to believe. His future decisions will cause a lot more problems for us, not less.

  • Mr. Cheney is so right! What in God’s name is President Obama doing? Granted, the President met with families of the victims of the USS Cole and September 11th attacks and promised them that justice would be done; but I still feel that he is not acting forcefully enough in this area. The President wants to close Guantanamo Bay Naval Station; where will we incarcerate terror suspects then? President Obama and Vice President Biden are willing to negotiate with Iran; I’m gut positive that Iran just wants to stall us long enough to complete assembly of a nuclear weapon. Osama bin Laden himself has said–in so many words–that his next assault on America will make September 11th look like a pop gun. I implore you, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, take Mr. Cheney’s advice now! Having to bury 3000 innocent people was bad enough; let’s not have to bury 30,000 or 300,000 or 3,000,000 innocents.

  • I just want someone to tail me how giving away billions of dollar to
    all them mega-corpporations is going to help us.I was reading where Peosi-Reid was trying get 300.000(amnesty)for illegal if so that will help I just been on unemployment 4 month that will help me get a job.OK THAT the dumb way Lets see I have been on unemployment for 4 month i just told my wife i had a plan that will help.I’M Going to the bank take all our money out and give it to our friends.That’s just about dumb as the Obama Pelosi -Reid theft act of 2009.We should spend just what we need to get going again.I would give 75% of that money to the taxs payer it would help more we can get more to spend because 500.00 dollar won’t pay my light bill we need more to spend.It would help more then giving all our money to there friends so they can get a new 50 million dollar jet.For illegal how do yall thank we got here for years now we been leting million in here so the population growing three time faster then economy don’t tail pelosi she thanks amnesty fixs everythank.Well that just how the democrats get vote they give there on children’s future away for a vote.Well got to moving to mexico there no body there no more i will not have to support them there.

  • Obamination is doing exactly what the Islamic radical clerics have said he would do on every arab news station since his election. They believe he is the equalizer in the “war on terror”,because of his complacency and compassion for those who will kill anyone that is not muslim! We are “Kuffar” sheep to be slaughtered and Obaminomics and his “New vision”socialist adgenda will prove his loyalty to other oppressive nations.51% of americans elected a leader who pardoned murderous radicals. What does that say for america and the fictional war on terror. Michael Moore has assurred us that there are acts of terror but there is no terror threat…I feel so much better!

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