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Chinese Spies May Have Put Chips In US Planes

Chinese cyber spies have penetrated so deep into the US system — ranging from its secure defense network, banking system, electricity grid to putting spy chips into its defense planes — that it can cause serious damage to the US any time, a top US official on counter-intelligence has said.

“Chinese penetrations of unclassified DoD networks have also been widely reported. Those are more sophisticated, though hardly state of the art,” said National Counterintelligence Executive, Joel Brenner, at the Austin University Texas last week, according to a transcript made available on Wednesday.

Listing out some of the examples of Chinese cyber spy penetration, he said: “We’re also seeing counterfeit routers and chips, and some of those chips have made their way into US military fighter aircraft.. You don’t sneak counterfeit chips into another nation’s aircraft to steal data. When it’s done intentionally, it’s done to degrade systems, or to have the ability to do so at a time of one’s choosing.”

Referring to the Chinese networks penetrating the cyber grids, he said: “Do I worry about those grids, and about air traffic control systems, water supply systems, and so on? You bet I do. America’s networks are being mapped. There has also been experience of both Chinese and criminal network operations in the networks of some of the banks”.

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  • This would mean our planes could fall from the sky at the push of a button. Our Army loses communications. Will our navy still float? How far back does this penetration go? This at a time when we face a disintegrating Pakistan and its arsenal of nukes. Interesting times are upon us. Hoorah!

  • Maybe if we manufactured more of our own components and assemblies this wouldn’t be as big a problem. I bet that in the long run, the cost would be less and you wouldn’t have to spend all our money finding out where the bugs are.

  • The American government is represented by the least intelligent segment of our society! Who but a fool would think that you can sleep with China and not pick up fleas? And what does this say for our FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and all of the other brain dead US officials whose job it is to protect America. I think it says that we need a department to protect us from those in charge of protecting us. Why not? Isn’t this the way it’s done in Washington.

    Now what would make anyone think that the Chinese have put chips into US planes!

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