Homeland Security News

Clinton – al Qaeda Is Greater Threat Than Iran, N. Korea

Clinton told CNN’s State of the Union that there is a continuing threat from Al-Qaeda on the American people and US officials were only able to contain so far since “over the last six months, we have seen attacks foiled, people arrested and charged, so that you have to be constantly vigilant. And that is what everybody working in this government at all levels attempts to do”.

She noted that there is “nothing new” about Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s tape claiming responsibility for the airline bombing attempt over Detroit last Christmas adding that “it is really important for people to just go along with their daily lives. you cannot be deterred or discouraged or fearful about what is happening and we just have to do everything we can to keep America safe”.

Clinton said it is “very difficult to make that kind of assessment” about Al-Qaeda threat alert on the American soil since last year describing Al-Qaeda members as “a very committed, clever, diabolical group of terrorists who are always looking for weaknesses and openings”.

“I do not see them as stronger, I see they are more creative, more flexible, more agile. They evolve”, she added while saying “the biggest nightmare that any of us have is that one of these terrorist member organizations within this syndicate of terror will get their hands on a weapon of mass destruction”.

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  • I disagree with the notion Iran is in someway less dangerous than AQ, in regards to their objectives ultimately there will be alignment, i.e. the eradication of the State of Israel is a shared vision of both groups, second the elimination of decadent western culture i.e. infidels, again a shared vision.

    Iran has demonstrated it is prepared to us money the west gives it for its oil products to fund terrorist groups, nuclear proliferation, it also knows that financially the USA can not engage it in a costly war and materially it would be hard pressed to allocate resources to a conflict in Iran, knowing these things Iran is running riot at present, showns scant regard for any international authority and will succeed in a large part to the international community spineless political approach.

    AQ poses a short to medium term threat (7-10 years), Iran poses an ever present threat, the difference is between jumping into the fire or the pan, both are hot!

  • The woman is a quite a few cents short of a Dollar, Iran for the sake of its peoples , wants to be top dog, it, like North Korea, has dropped out of Worldly associations, like Arts, Science, Finance, Religion, Education, and many others to numerous to mention, the only success they see, is in expansion of their military.
    Sanctions are not working, with either North Korea or Iran, we are dealing with Dictatorships, not Democracies, is the Lady going to wait until the balloon bursts?, before the truth hits, the peoples of both these countries who are living under a climate of total terror, are not going to change anything on their own, this is a repeat of Nazi Germany, but with consequences a thousand fold.
    As far as al Qaeda is concerned, sure they are a extreme danger to the World, but only because of the existence of terror countries like Iran, North Korea, and the like, who supplies their arms? where are they training?, who finances them?.
    Mrs Clinton, if you want to police the World, do it, but get real, the problem is staring you in the face, do something now before its to late, “today”, your coming across to me, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car.

  • Iran’s Nuclear Program and Weaponry Has to Be Stopped Now!

    Every conciliatory offer Iran has made prior to abort its nuclear program and weapon capability has been a ruse, to buy time. Iran is now providing weapons to terrorists; Americans should assume Iran would provide nuclear weapons once they have them.

    Iran knows if they fire a nuclear missile at any country, they will be retaliated against. The greater Iran nuclear threat is small nukes Iran can covertly provide foreign and domestic terrorists in America and Israel, e.g. al Qaeda. Because small nukes have a limited scope of damage compared to big nukes, it is foreseeable Terrorists in the U.S. might in intervals explode small nukes to destroy our economy and to terrorize U.S. Government and the American people with the indefinite prospect of more nuke attacks. Iran would of course, deny having provided terrorists in America nukes: It is foreseeable fearful Americans would stop investing, stop buying products except those needed just to live and the stock market would be in great trouble. Martial Law might have to be imposed. The Less Painful Option is for the U.S. to invade Iran now, take control of the country, even if that means resurrecting the U.S. Draft. Should Iran build nuclear weapons, Americans won’t understand why their government allowed that to happen.

  • The best thing the United States can do for both its citizens, and to slow down terrorism is to stop[ providing aid to countries, and organizations we know are supporting and funneling the monies we provide to these groups.

    There are many organizations in our own country we fund, and provide grants that have one intention, to kill and force this country into an Islamic fundamentalist society. The countries we trade with and provide billions of dollars in aid and grants to, are too numerous to mention, which we know for fact supports these Terror Organizations.

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