Homeland Security News

Defusing Armageddon – Doomsday Detectives Battle Nuclear Terror

The U.S. government has developed a suite of technologies that would enable it to determine the origin of a nuclear weapon used in an attack against the United States, according to a forthcoming book on America’s nuclear detectives.

In the event of such an attack, U.S. officials believe they could determine where the fissile material used in the nuclear weapon originated.

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  • Your readers may be interested in
    “Doomsday for Islam?”


    where I explored some of the consequences of a terror nuke attack on the U.S.

    I wish our government would spend more time preparing us with a credible civil defense program and stocking and re-identifying existing fallout shelters instead of preparing to point fingers at who gave the nuclear materials to a terror group that killed millions needlessly.

    An attack with even a modest sized nuke on Manhattan would blanket Long Island by prevailing west to east winds with deadly fallout…on a completely unprotected population that is uneducated about what to do or where to shelter. There would likely be 90% casualties as a result on the 3 million or so people there…most that could be prevented with just simple steps by our completely unresponsive officials.

    Also see:
    “No place to run”

  • Most in our great country has become complacent, and I believe for one many will needlessly die because of it. Heck, look at the aftermath of Katrina. Also half the country doesn’t believe we are at war with terrorists of islamic beliefs. And they seek our (AMERICA) destruction at any cost.

  • I am not sure what we are doing to prevent nukes from hitting us. I am not sure we can entirely protect the US homeland (although some would like to turn us into a police state with the inane idea that this would work to our benefit)
    What this article IS doing is threatening any perpetuators with quick retaliation based on a nuclear ‘fingerprint’. A definate deterrent. If one of the major powers that can produce such material is quickly identified, then that nation may be a little more careful. PGW

  • Those who are interested in the aftermath of a WMD attack upon the USA, please consider the following:

    1. There is NO credible Civil Defense effort in the USA. Examine the history of Civil Defense from the 1950’s until today and you will discover a small political fiefdom which evolved into the elephantine, bureaucratic, FEMA. The only good thing was CONELRAD which is still of some limited usefulness, assuming broadcasters ever receive the go message. Considering that the KSR33 Teletypes and telephone lines have all been obsoleted, contact with the Clear Channel AM stations is problematic, thus national alerting fails. DHS, if anything, beggars the imagination by its bureaucracy and internecine warfare.

    2. Considering that a surprise attack will occur requires no stretch of imagination. And We Will Be Surprised. Nota Bene: The CIA and other intelligence agencies are still unable to find their rear-ends with both hands, they all loathe each other, and act like dung-beetles rolling cow flop into tiny balls, preserving “their” secrets for political capital. Their department heads are mostly hateful little people who have geometrically exceeded the Peter Principle, totally concerned about preserving their tottering empires.

    3. Tom Clancy’s books have already explained much of what might happen when a massive decapitation attack occurs in the USA. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending upon your politics) we will not have a super-hero CIA agent/President to save our country’s head from rolling. DHA would be wise to study Clancy’s books like the text books they are — we may be sure that OBL and his minions have already done so.

    4. The New Orleans Experience after hurricane and levee fiascos demonstrated what will happen within any major population center after a WMD attack. We may be sure that an upheaval inside urban areas will be akin to poking an ant hill with a stick. Anyone who thinks that their in-dash GPS will get them around those traffic conditions is hallucinating.

    5. Of course, the aftermath of aforementioned #4 means that implementation of GARDEN PLOT will be necessary along with activation of NSPD 51 related activities. For better or for worse, the USA will be placed under Martial Law. Will Martial Law will then become a permanent fixture? We should plan for that eventuality now, not later. Do you hear me, Congresspeople? Remember it is your Earmarks and Pork which will also suffer along with Democracy, such as is it exists today.

    6. Of course, Continuity of Government is absolutely essential if we are going to keep our lives as the fortunate Americans we are today. NSPD 51, and the various NOBLE efforts, can partially prepare the infrastructure. Why not ask that CoG begin at the individual citizen level, progressing to neighborhood enclaves, then to communities and cities? The worst and last resort will be armed representatives of Homeland Security knocking on our doors and asking for Our Papers, and confiscating weapons from legitimate, law-abiding citizens as they did in New Orleans.

    7. Problem: Our Government has failed educate citizens to the necessity for Individual Continuity; today we mostly ignore the possibility of a nationwide disaster and assume that someone is going to take care of the problem.

    8. Solution: Assume that the average American citizen lives at a higher plane of existence than addiction to the Jerry Springer Show. Follow through with a vastly expanded public information and education program. We might even put CONELRAD markers on the dials of our radios again.

    Oh yes, one more very important thing, DHS, you got away with the 2d Amendment violation thing in New Orleans; reconsider that confiscation idea the next time around, because the element of surprise has been lost.

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