Homeland Security News

DHS to Regulate Buying and Selling Ammonium Nitrate

In an effort to prevent future terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security has announced new plans to regulate the selling and purchasing of ammonium nitrate. The widely used fertilizer was used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 186 people and was the subject of a 2006 ABC News investigative report that found lethal quantities of the fertilizer was frighteningly easy to obtain.

“Terrorist organizations have and will continue to use explosives, including [ammonium nitrate]-based explosive, in future terrorist attacks,” the amendment says, explaining that the availability of bags of the fertilizer around the country means the potentially deadly chemical could end up in the hands of terrorists.


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  • Well, that might help as far as who is buying and selling the fertilizer, but what about theft of that product. This type of product should be kept locked up and controlled by sellers and even then, close monitoring will be necessary.

  • I have an idea about fighting terrorism that I’ve been mulling over. Terrorists who get into this country still have to make everyday purchases and I was wondering if there was a way that average store clerks could have a button installed to hit during a transaction that indicates the sale of an item was purchased using a passport for an id such as cigaretts and alcoholic products and knives and guns and ammo.

    There certainly needs to be more training in this area for average clerks who come into contact with passports in this manner and also passport security needs to be a very big priority in our country.

  • I heard that terrorist can Kill with toothpicks,lawnmowers,and combs.OMG thier everywhere!OK Sarcasm aside? Regulating every useful (in honest hands) item will never stop terrorism.Now after 9/11 took place George Bush gave a speech somewhere along the lines that we would not let them scare us out of our freedom…That things hadn’t and wouldn’t change.Which to be perfectly honest is a crock.I can remember when S.W.A.T. teams were something almost NEVER used.Now every time I turn arround there is some Gov. Agent looking like a Ninja on the news.People don’t want to get stripped and body cavity searched at the airports because they “Showed signs of stress.” The poor guy freaking out at the canadian airport was probably thinking “Oh My god I got on the wrong Plane . This isn’t Croatia!” or some other reasonable panic attack.Yet from this common event and FEAR sprung police who tasered him to death.Here’s a thought that would have stopped the OKC bombing? How about the F.B.I. keeps track of it’s sting Operations and Informants?I really have grown tired of watching the land of the free turn into a nightmare while it encroaches on the very depths of Isolation I fled to in the 1st place.I moved back to the farm to get away from the Constant drama and complications.Not so somebody could find a way to make FARMING a POSSIBLE TERROR THREAT!

  • It is pretty obvious to any one who knows anything about explosives that this will not help anything AT ALL. What the government is gunning on with this is that the illiterate masses don’t know that ammonium nitrate is a secondary explosive. Secondary explosives are very easy to obtain and make. Im sure most people peed them selves a little after reading that and their brains shut down. But most secondary explosives like ammonium nitrate are very very difficult to set off. This is where primary explosives come in. Most primary explosives are very powerful and very easy to set off. They are also hard as hell to get/make. So i guess chemistry has given us some natural regulations on people making high explosives. But like i always say we should just make terrorism illegal, that would solve everything.

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