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Experts Discuss How Terrorists Might Attack Us

The Heritage Foundation recently convened a meeting of experts to discuss “Weapons of Mass Destruction and America’s Communities,” the various ways our terrorist enemies might attack us and our allies in the future, and what might be done to stop them. You can imagine what a merry gathering this was.

The most obvious concern: the spread of nuclear weapons. Within the group, there was consensus that if Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, is not prevented from acquiring nukes, the result will be a nuclear proliferation “cascade.”

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  • Take heed America. These are not your “conventional” enemies. If anyone thinks that negotiating with these Islamic Terrorists is possible then we are doomed. Negotiation is NOT an option and the only thing they want from us is our…existence. Are you willing to give that up? I’m certainly not. We are no longer dealing with someone who thinks rationally unless you think that by killing ourselves we are going to inherit 72 virgins after we kill ourselves. Just think about that for a moment. Do you really think that we can deal on a rational level with people like this? If we don’t strike first…there will be no second place. Innocent people will die, without question, but war isn’t pretty. This war isn’t new, it started long ago, long before President Bush took office. It’s just that we were attacked here on our soil on 9-11-01. Does anyone remember the hostages that were taken in 1979 by Iran? God help us all if we don’t realize that this enemy won’t accept anything less than our total destruction.

  • Well said Roger. Unfortunately, we have a shorter memory than the terrorists do. Too often, we have ‘gone back to sleep’ when the alarm has rung.

  • Why does everyone think this war is new? The Islamic and Christian worlds have been fighting since before recorded history! Only now it is being fought on our turf. For the previous 2000 years the war was fought in Europe, Asia and Africa. Today the war is being fought with new tools. They have been able to stay steps ahead of our preparedness as evidenced by 9-11. After eight years we still have not closed all the holes in our defenses that allowed 9-11, much less anything newer. Also, Negotiation??? They do not want to negotiate. We must be prepared to defend ourselves.

    It is best not to paint a face on your enemy. That may temper your planning and you may not take all possible actions into account. And the enemy may change. Defensive protection starts at home, you cannot rely on someone else. You need to determine your vulnerabilities are and start you protective and defensive actions from there. Every community is supposed to have a list of vulnerabilities posted. That is your starting point.

  • The most frightening aspect of this is that our leaders in Washington do not seem to be willing to do what is necessary to eliminate the threat from our enemies. Those who wish to do us harm have no problem using the concept of “Total War”.(Nidal Malik Hasan ring a bell?) We refuse to even acknowledge who the enemy is! We may not be at war with Islam, but Radical Islam is at war with us. I don’t think even a nuclear attack on an American city would wake this country or our leaders! We all better be ready to defend and protect ourselves because relying on the government could be a fatal mistake.

  • Obviously Iran knows if they fire a nuclear missile at any country, they will be severely retaliated against. So the greater nuclear threat from Iran, may be small nukes it might “indirectly provide terrorists” in America. Because small nukes have a limited scope of damage compared to big nukes, it is foreseeable Terrorists in the U.S. might explode one or more small nukes to damage, terrorize and extort U.S. Government. Thereafter freedoms in America might cease to exist as fear of more nuke attacks would permeate the American landscape. The best option now, may be for the U.S. to invade Iran and take control of the country. Should Iran build nuclear weapons, it might be difficult for Americans to understand why their government allowed that to happen.

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