Homeland Security News

Feinstein’s Blurt Leads to U.S. Confirmation That It Uses Pakistani Air Base

Nothing quite like exposing a military advantage.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s blurt during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing last week forced the U.S. intelligence and military community to acknowledge on Thursday that the U.S. is targeting Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives using unmanned drones based in Pakistan.

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  • “Feinstein’s remarks, which were characterized as “foolish” by U.S. officials, were unusual for the experienced chairwoman of the intelligence panel….” – Her “slip-up” should not be allowed to happen again. I worked for over 41 years in highly classified operations and I know what I would have faced if I had done something so “foolish” (as they put it)….Feinstein should be removed from her position immediately (we are a nation at war…and that was more than just a “foolish” slip-up!).

  • I agree. Ms. Feinstein’s remarks have now placed American lives at risk and seriously damaged an agreement with the Pakistani government, which will have no choice but to remove the base from Pakistani soil. That’s some fine intelligence (or lack of) there Diane!!!

  • Impeach her. It is incredible how long she and the dems chased Carl until he missed something that happened years earlier. He wassn’t even guilty of leaking a secret, sge is.But she is a democrat so I guess is not the same and the media is going to cover it as long as they can

  • Foolish is the words used. She should be placed in a snow station in Alaska. People could be in harms way over this. She was an idiot when she ran San Fransisco and all this proves she has gotten worse over the years. She should be immediately removed from that type of panel. She should have some sanctioning placed on her as well. Punishment should be swift.

  • Whats the problem here? The liberals are just trying to win the war on capitalism and the American way of life. With the world wide media, Muslim terrorist, Soros communist, and any and all America’s enemys on their side, chances are they will succeed. With a president who has recieved millions in campaign funds from Muslim terrorist and communist around the world, the enemy within, is doing pretty good.

  • Revoke her access to classified material. She’s obviously a national security risk.

  • intellience briefings seem to be something she is underqualified for.

  • it’s just sad that our so called “leaders” get the oppertunity to make foolish statements. when I was in the military i would have been put under a jail somewhere far far away. must be nice to just make a “foolish statement.” if any lives are lost due to her foolishness, I hope someone let’s her know about it. some of the politicans make me sick to my stomach with their actions and statements. WORDS KILL SENATOR, I hope your happy with yourself.

  • wow.i’d heard that she had done this, and i wasn’t sure i believed someone would do something so totally, blatantly, irresponsible. what ever happened to punishment for treason? is this not what is being commited when national secrets are revealed during war? how is it that she is getting away with a criminal act such as this? what ever happened to america?

  • She is an embarassment to this country! Please work on getting this mess out ASAP!

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