Homeland Security News

Five Doomsday Scenarios for an IT Apocalypse

Cyber Attack

Cyber Terrorism

Technology drives just about everything we do, and not just at our jobs. From banks to hospitals to the systems that keep the juice flowing to our homes, we are almost entirely dependent on tech. More and more of these systems are interconnected, and many of them are vulnerable. We see it almost every day.

But what if instead of simply a denial-of-service attack against select Websites, the entire Internet suddenly stopped working — or for that matter, Google could not be reached. What if instead of a mere data breach, our financial institutions were attacked by a weapon that could instantly neutralize all electronic transactions? Or if hackers wormed their way into the systems that control the power grid?

If you think these things can’t happen, think again. Some already have occurred on a smaller scale. But we thought it might be fun to turn up the volume and see what might happen — how likely a “tech doomsday” scenario might be, how long it would take us to recover, and how we might prevent it from coming to be.

Tech doomsday scenario No. 1: America goes dark

Tech doomsday scenario No. 2: Wall Street gets e-bombed

Tech doomsday scenario No. 3: Google is gone

Read the full article to find out how likely the events are to occur, what would happen and the chances for recovery.

Five Doomsday Scenarios for IT: Tech Apocalypse – PCWorld Business Center.

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1 Comment

  • yep – society has become so reliant on tech it’s a massive (and often) easy target. Being from IT and email world (I remember 50 baud telex so dating myself) I’ve seen many cool advances and lots of vulnerabilities. China, Russia, Al-Qaeda, etc recognize how much an EMP or DDOS would disrupt western nations .. but most avg folks and businesses don’t even think about or plan for it. (sigh) Thanks for the great post / link…

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