Homeland Security News

Gangs Infiltrate Canada’s Airports – Provide Breeding Ground For International Terrorism

Organized gangs and smugglers are infiltrating Canada’s biggest airports, providing a breeding ground for international terrorism, critics say, citing information from a recently revealed federal police investigation.

A two-year probe by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP, the country’s national policing agency, shows that 58 organized gangs are smuggling drugs into the country’s airports, including Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

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  • Does this honestly surprise anyone???

    How can we be shocked when 99 times out of 100 we will avoid doing anything to offend or inconvenience someone for fear of being sued or charged with harassment?? And that is without speaking of the whole racial profiling issue, which you KNOW would immediately spring to the front. And what about the unions that will jump down the throat of anyone suggesting their valued member could possibly be doing anything wrong, never mind illegal… What minimum wage middle manager is willing to go up against all that?? Much easier for me to just mind my own business and feign ignorance of what is actually happening…

    It is very simple, and I invite anyone to prove me wrong…

    If you wish to be secure, then you need to impose security. People will either understand and cooperate, or they can go somewhere else. Make the rules and actually enforce them, don’t waffle and let things go just to avoid hassles.

    But what do I know…

  • It sounds like a good start would be to make it a rule that a felony disqualifies you from employment at the airport.

  • From what I have read in newspapers and the internet and from what I have heard on the evening news, every law enforcement agency in the U.S. is being infiltrated. Not to mention the U.S. military. We are under attack but the average citizen is not concerned enough much less trained to be on the look-out for suspicious behavior. As Festus intimated, political correctness will be the death of us all.

  • Yawn! This story of security short-comings in Canada will og the way of all the others. A national apathy trait will leave it unattended or even worse over-studied and over-discussed and largely ignored. Canada is a haven for terrorists and will remain so as long as apathy rules the national mindset.
    Why would a terrorist possibly chance going to the U.S. where capture could be one-way trip to Guantanamo when in Canada even if exposed as a terrorist there is a chance he will only face an ankle bracelet, a curfew and house arrest.
    Hmmmmm!!! But then . . . who cares!

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