Homeland Security News

Homeland Security Plans For Violence On US Border

Tighter gun control and stronger law enforcement in Southwestern states were recommended Thursday by lawmakers concerned about drug violence in Mexico possibly spilling across the border.

The escalating violence — which has killed thousands, mostly south of the border — has been blamed on Mexican drug cartels which one Homeland Security official described as the biggest organized crime threat facing the United States.

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  • Sure….Congress refuses to put into law (short of tying it to Amnesty)E Verify which would instantly see most Illegal ALiens self deporting when their jobs dissappeared, they refuse to fund and finish the fence on our Southern Border, BUT IT IS FINE to take away LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS Second Amendment rights in the name of dealing with Mexico’s drug cartels.

    Here is a clue…tell Homeland Security, the FBI, ATF, Drug Enforcement, ICE, the Border Patrol and Congress to do their jobs, ENFORCE OUR LAWS, and the problem will take care of itself. They do not need to use the problem as excuse to weaken GUN RIGHTS for legal Americans.

    Good news…maybe now the NRA will come out in support of E Verify.

  • I dont see the Mexican drug cartels posing a threat to the US border. American citizens are the buyers of their products, and they know this. Causing violence at the border would prompt US officials to heighten border security, which would disrupt the flow of drugs over the border. It would be bad business on their part, and they would lose a great deal of money. With heightened border security would also come new and risky methods of trying to move their product north. The cartels arent stupid. They also know that the Mexican police/military are weak, as we all know. This is why they have no qualms with attacking local police stations. This issue shouldnt be a concern for Americans living in the Southwest.

  • Yep, that’s right folks, stricter gun control will keep the bad guys away from you. Any excuse to begin the process of disarming law abiding U.S. citizens you can lay money the people in power are considering.

  • Instead of putting our men in a war we shouldn’t have been in, we should have put them on the border. Then we wouldn’t have overrun schools and hospitals. I blame the loss of jobs on employers who continue to hire illegals because they can get them cheap, with no benefits, and treat them like s—. If we would havejust followed our own laws things wouldn’t have gotten this bad for everyone.

  • How in the world is “kidnapping not a violent crime”.what is wrong
    with with the idiots in Washington.How many US citizens need to disappear,be raped,or murdered,Befor Obama gets a clue.I’m a Mexican American.That has longed lived on the border,and I can personally tell anyone.That drug activity here or across the border affects the lives of every one else.

    Stricter gun control???… The bad guy’s who kidnap people do not care about your “stinking gun control”,please get a clue.

    I would encourage citizens to buy more guns and use them if they are justified.That’s how you make the border safe.I know this from personal experience.

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