World Report

Iran Claims It Will Deliver Telling Blow To Global Powers on Feb. 11

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the nation will deliver a harsh blow to the “global arrogance” on this year's anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

“The Islamic Revolution opened a window to liberty for the human race, which was trapped in the dead ends of materialism,” Ahmadinejad said during a cabinet meeting on Sunday.

“If the Islamic Revolution had not occurred, liberalism and Marxism would have crushed all human dignity in their power-seeking and money-grubbing claws. Nothing would have remained of human and spiritual principles,” he added.

Ahmadinejad said that in the three decades of its history, the Islamic Revolution had inspired some great developments in the world.

The Iranian president made the remarks as the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution approaches.

Iranians are expected to pour into the streets on February 11 to celebrate the occasion in public rallies across the country, as they have done annually over the past three decades.

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  • Well, this coming incident that he is predicting will have one saving grace. We will be able to respond without hesitation and lay the reprecussions right on Iran’s doorstep,…….No Waiting. Doc P.

  • Another bloster from a sick and dangerous person. Between Castro, Chaeves and this joke of a leader we need to be on guard and ready to defend ourselves. We need to support the Iranian people and their up rising overtly and covertly, but with our current Progressive, Muslim in Christian clothing I do not expect much.
    Whould be nice to be surprised by Obama, especially if he ordered a preditor strike against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad office and of coarse let’s not for get the Ruling Mull Loons that run this puppet.

  • “human and spiritual principles”? These sacred principles are born of:
    1. Killing innocent people (elderly, men, women, children, disabled)?
    2. The arrogance of “humans” to believe that their “God/Allah” (of all wisdom,
    power and ability), requires them to act on his behalf?
    3. That their “spiritual” nature is nothing more than a facade of Narcisism
    and Dictatorship under the guises of being holy or sacred?

    I’m all for people to live simpler lives, who celebrate the spiritual path of their choosing, but I find it insulting that any “human” would declare these kind of actions “holy”, “sacred” or something that we as the “human race” should “strive” for.

    How about this, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and all your counterparts, LIVE faith. BETTER peoples lives, SHARE the spirit, LEAD by example (not demand), GIVE of yourself, INSPIRE others toward postivie contributions, CELEBRATE all the wonders God has bestowed upon the world, live in AWE of them, be HUMBLE in recognizing there is so much more then we understand, SHOW humility to the fact that “God” probably knows a bit more than you or I do. These are the things that will make us better humans. These are the things our spiritual beliefs should demonstrate through our daily lives. These are the things that “God/Allah” ask of us.

    Face it, your only concern is how you can glorify yourself at the cost of others, just like every other dictator this world has ever produced. Turn and stare into the mirror. See what “God/Allah” sees. Quit lying to yourself and hiding behind all the falsities. Worry about REEDEMING yourself by living IN FATTH and BY FAITH. You cannot DELIVER “spirituality” by the hand, threat, oppressions or any other of your narcisistic approaches.
    If you want to be the kind of leader you are, fine. Call your acts and actions what they are. Just quit lying about yourself and trying to present this crap as something for the human or spiritual good..cause my friend, the only good you are interested in is in serving yourself!

  • Iran is a country we need to take control of and install a puppet government. We would do this for the protection of Israel and all the other infidels around this planet. We cannot allow them to get nuclear weapons! I’m not sure if our President takes Iran seriously?

  • I don’t think the US has anything to worry about right now, in reference to nukes. What I would be focused on is another hostage situation. Something similar to the US hostage situation back in the early 80’s. Everyone is focused on Iran and nukes. Don’t be surprised if they do something else.

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