Homeland Security News

Lego-Style Islamic Terrorist Figurine Sparks Outrage

A Lego-style figurine resembling an Islamic terrorist strapped with explosives and made by a small American company has caused an uproar among Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

The controversial miniature figure, created by Seattle-based Will Chapman as part of his BrickArms military fighters line, is a bearded militant with a face-covering hood, a tiny toy assault rifle, a little grenade launcher and plastic bombs that can be attached to an explosives belt.

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  • That’s a clear example of today’s society, too many people don’t take the terrorist threats seriously, most people keep thinking, “It won’t happen here or to me…” Sad! Better wake up people! It is happening and getting closer everyday. It’s time to take the terrorists out NOW! Don’t wait any longer!

  • As a soldier and someone that has been overseas “on business” as an infantryman I find this to be hilarious. I can’t wait to get my own. As far as the Muslim association is concerned, get a grip on yourself and your situation. It is your fellow Muslims who are blowing themselves and others up. Instead of getting upset at a stupid figurine why not address the reality of the situation and spend your time and energy trying to stop your fellow brethren. If there weren’t an element of truth in the toy it probably wouldn’t be selling. I don’t see too many Norwegian Laplander terrorist figurines out on the market.
    GLRP007, get a grip on yourself. There is nothing that you can do to stop a terror attack except by keeping your eyes open. All the hoopla and BS is nothing but that… hoopla and BS designed to sell a lot of Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting. By keeping your eyes open you may actually help but sowing the seeds of fear only creates a fervor that is misleading and dangerous. The rest of the world has lived with terrorism for years. Germany had the Baeder Meinhof Gang, Italy the Red Brigade, Israel the Hezbollah, and the Palestinians the Israelis. We paid a dear price for our naïveté and that wake-up call was painful to those that lost family and friends. Unless this toy ships with real grenades and a demo pack it is just a toy. Use your time to send a care package to a soldier who is currently waging a war against the terrorists and let them know how much you care and appreciate their sacrifice. If you are sending it to an infantryman, like me, buy them the toy and ship it to them. I promise the men and women who live with the real threat everyday will laugh their collective butts off and the gift will be the hit of the year.

  • I can see this toy in a museum one hundred years from now in the ‘pre-collapse’ display.

  • Really?? People are wasting time and brain cells on this?!? Come on. Bottom line, it is a representation of what is seen on the daily news from the middle east, the far east, western asia, and even the anarchist and anti-establishment protests here in the west (minus the grenades and guns, though they’d have them if they could). So if you don’t want it represented, make sure the model for it is not prevalent in the media.

  • Ref Joe Momma entry (above): I tried to make a comment while out in a wooded area while using WIFI several weeks ago but had no luck. Hope you get this reply okay.
    First, let me thank you for your service to our country.
    I too spent many years overseas (over twenty years in the Air Force and then another twenty one and a half working as a contractor, teaching military personnel the procedures for some very high tech operations).
    My point about that Lego-style figurine resembling an Islamic terrorist strapped with explosives, is simply that it is in poor taste. This could possibly give some child the impression that it is okay to be a terrorist. Think about it….
    Again, I thank you for your service and I hope you stay safe.

  • I think this is hilarious. What makes it so funny is the fact that it’s based on actual people and events. Why are Muslims outraged by a toy but not outraged by the beheading and murder being done in the name of Allah?????

    If Muslims spoke out against Muslim Terrorism (which makes up 99.9792314 % of world wide terror) perhaps no one would be making lego dolls that resemble Muslim Terrorists.

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