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Najibullah Zazi Could Enter Witness Protection Program – Report

Najibullah Zazi

Najibullah Zazi

Is it really possible that a confessed terrorist who plotted to kill hundreds of Americans just a few short months ago, could someday  be living near you in the federal witness protection program?  It seems implausible however, a New York Daily Times report  says that it could happen.  According to the report, Najibullah Zazi eventually  may get such a deal after revealing details to authorities that connected his terror plot to a foiled terror attack in England.

Zazi’s cooperation with the feds was key to a new indictment Wednesday that tied his plan to blow up subways in Times Square and Grand Central stations to a foiled plot in England according to the report.

The Afghan immigrant’s singing could earn him a coveted “S” visa, given only to aliens who provide critical information on terror organizations, officials revealed.

The new indictment implicates a top Al Qaeda terrorist: Adnan Shukrijumah, now tied to four different plots to hit New York, was accused of recruiting Zazi and two other men as bombers.


According to the report, Zazi have a life sentence reduced and enter the witness protection program if the Justice Department agrees with prosecutors’ recommendations.

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