World Report

New Plan Allows Police To Hack Personal Computers Without Warrant – UK

Under the Brussels edict, police across the EU have been given the green light to expand the implementation of a rarely used power involving warrantless intrusive surveillance of private property. The strategy will allow French, German and other EU forces to ask British officers to hack into someone’s UK computer and pass over any material gleaned.

A remote search can be granted if a senior officer says he “believes” that it is “proportionate” and necessary to prevent or detect serious crime — defined as any offence attracting a jail sentence of more than three years.

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  • Before anyone jumps up in the air yelling, “You can’t do that!” They need to remember one simple thing….”If you are not doing anything wrong, then you don’t have to worry about this procedure”!
    There is a war against terrorism and all means must be used to stop it. Lives depend on top security right now!

  • Violation of all peoples rights ??????

    Cant just do thier job they always have to

    find ways to mess with ordinary citizens.



  • Hey GLRP007:

    Going into someone’s computer is like picking around in someone’s brain….uninvited. A personal computer is just that….personal. It is not about hiding wrongful things, with doing something right or wrong….it’s about privacy. And this is a red-carpet invitation for Government to legally invade our privacy.

    Notice I’m not saying the Government should or shouldn’t not do this. It doesn’t matter what we think. They’re going to do whatever the @#%$@ they want anyway.

    So, let’s not kid ourselves.

    The best thing one can do is get online with one computer and store “things” on another….and never have the two connected while online…at least as far as my non-technical mind can muster.

    By the way, we didn’t have “top security” in the first place. What makes you think we’re gonna have it now? I am so unimpressed with our government, doing things in the name of national security with ulterior motives. Sure, they’ll get into your “brain” and pick around in your computer in the name of national security….but I am SURE a lot of other subversive data collection will happen too. Like addicts, they just can’t help themselves.

  • Quote>> GLRP007 said:

    Before anyone jumps up in the air yelling, “You can’t do that!” They need to remember one simple thing….”If you are not doing anything wrong, then you don’t have to worry about this procedure”!
    There is a war against terrorism and all means must be used to stop it. Lives depend on top security right now!

    So, GLRP007, I suppose you don’t mind if the cops sneak through your window and go pawing through your wife’s pantie drawer either?

    The Brussels Edict is worse than terrorism–it’s slavery! Pure and simple.

    On Tue, Nov 11, 1755, Benjamin Franklin wrote:

    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

  • Didn’t mean to step on toes with this issue, just meant that if you are not doing anything wrong you shouldn’t have to worry about the gov’t performing warrantless intrusive surveillance of private property. I’m sure that the personnel performing or directing the surveillance are doing so on “indications” of wrongdoing. Time is very critical when trying to stop terrorist acts and following procedures to obtain a warrant just might be enough time to allow the targeted individual(s) to carry out an act or evade capture. That’s all I meant.

  • i think its bloody damn disgusting,its just more power for the government,and to take another part of your life away from you!this government knows who the terrorists are they let them in the country.they may as well have access to your mail being sent,just get the royalmail and parcelforce to deliver it to them!if theres going to be terrorism there will be,they cant really stop it,as the terrorists will find different ways to communicate to each other!and you cant honestly trust this government to not mess it all up as another lot of data went missing yesterday!

  • “just meant that if you are not doing anything wrong you shouldn’t have to worry about the gov’t performing warrantless intrusive surveillance”

    Riiiight. Because the government never makes a mistake, and agents of the government are never tempted to take shortcuts on questionable grounds when they’re not forced to first convince a judge it’s reasonable. Uh huh. Nope, nothin’ to worry about at all.

    Of course, even if the police did make a mistake or a lapse in judgment and stick their noses where they oughtn’t, we needn’t worry about the government ever accidentally letting the data they gathered slip out onto the Internet by accident (or somebody else breaking in to get it), because that never happens, of course.

    I dare say the appropriate adjective here is “naive”.

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