Homeland Security News

North Korea Holds US Reporters

North Korean soldiers have detained at least one Korean-American journalist near the North’s border with China, South Korean media say.

YTN TV channel quotes a South Korean official as saying two reporters were held after being asked to stop filming. Other reports say one female journalist was arrested. It is not yet clear who the journalists were working for. The reports come amid heightened tension between the US and North Korea.

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1 Comment

  • Do we really need North Korea?
    1. We need to get those beautiful women back! I feel Americans can do what ever they want to in that crap hole of a country North Korea! Only reason we don’t go MEDIEVAL ON THEM is because they have no oil, or anything we need. Iraq, Afghanistan all those places say “we aint got no weapons of mass destruction” but we still over there “looking” for WMD’s. Don’t get me wrong I could care less about those ignorant towel heads! That place is truly the butt hole of the world! Now back to North Korea. They openly admit to having nuclear weapons and express intent on using such devices, but we just sent them a letter explaining how angry we are. I think they made a joke about that in the movie “Team America- World police”. Anyway, my point is North Korea doesn’t care. We can send them letter after letter explaining how angry we are, but they will not take sympathy on the cowerdness of our letter writing. We need to take a stand and show we aren’t going to allow a country take our people. If the girls truly committed a crime at least hand them back over to us and let our country discipline them appropriately. Lets just put a strong military presence over there and when they act up and fire on us we will them deal with the problem with force. We shred the leadership and any one who believes in the North Korea way of life. Those people are animals and are unreasonable. Im not talking about the innocent citizens who are just as mad at their own government as we are. Whether the people are too simple minded to realize how horrible the way their leaders are acting or maybe they know but don’t want to be murdered. WE need to get those reporters back and put a stop to North Korea WMD’s.

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