Homeland Security News

Pentagon Panel: Biden Was Right, Prep for Crisis

The McCain campaign pounced the other day, when Joe Biden said that his running mate would be tested by an international crisis at the start of his White House tenure. But the chairman of a key Pentagon advisory panel is sounding a similar warning, telling the next administration to “prepare for a likely first-270-days crisis.”

Veteran Pentagon consultant Michael Bayer, chairman of the Defense Business Board, told his fellow panelists that the new president’s inner circle should “set aside time in transition to identify the planning, gravitas and interagency process necessary to respond to a likely first-270-day crisis.”

From Kennedy (Bay of Pigs) to Johnson (Gulf of Tonkin) to Bush (9/11),” too many presidents were ill prepared for this,” Bayer warns.

“For months, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the service chiefs and the Joint Staff have been preparing for the first wartime transfer of Pentagon political authority in four decades,” notes Inside Defense, which broke word of Bayer’s presentation. “In addition to identifying defense policy issues for an incoming to understand, the military is also on high operational alert.”


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  • I am a concerned citizen and I am afraind the direction our country is headed. I do not feel that Obama should ever have been nominated for a presidential position, the most vital and important position our nation has. Why? We do not know him. We have just been hearingt about him for the past year since the election has gotten closer. I have not heard that he had a back ground check very throughly. I an afriad of his association witk all these radicals mentioned, William Ayers, Kahadi, the PLO association, Reve Wright the anti American preacher, Obama’s mentor, his association with Acron and the voter fraud and all the investigations into Jo the Plummer’s background when Joe is not even running for position. Also the lates of Obama’s aunt, an ilegal alien living very near Obama. From what I understand if Obama had applied for the position of body gaurd to the president he would have been eliminated because of his associtaion with W. Ayers.

  • I am very happy that Barack is our new President!! You cannot run around the world playing cowboy and expect everything to be ok. Terrorism is serious but so is the future of my children as well as America. Throwing around false accusations about Obama being an undercover plant to overthrow America is silly and the reason McCain lost. I first heard him speak at the 2004 convention. At that point I knew of his name from Chicago politics but he was already well liked by everyone. He is what we need right now! Yes We Can……..

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