Homeland Security News

Threat of Mexican Drug Cartels Near Crisis

Two of Mexico’s deadliest drug cartels have reached a combined force of 100,000 foot soldiers, wreaking havoc across the country and threatening U.S. border states, the U.S. Defense Department told The Washington Times.

The cartels rival the Mexican army in size and have both Mexico and the U.S. in crisis mode as they deal with what they fear is a coming insurgency along the border.

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Mexico Send In Military To Restore Order

The Mexican government will deploy 1,000 more federal police officers as part of a wider effort to restore order in Ciudad Juarez, the nation’s most violent city, officials said Monday.

Some of those uniformed federal officers began arriving in the border city Monday, two days after about 2,000 soldiers landed there in a related military buildup. Those soldiers were the first of an expected 5,000 additional troops who will be sent to help perform basic police functions.

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  • …..and we are STILL waiting to get our borders sealed! When will “enough” be “enough”? Spring break is coming up, many students are planning on running down to Mexico (not the smartest thing to do right now…but…) Let’s hope they make it back safely.

  • I have been watching for some time about this situation.
    I seen it coming.
    I am just a blue collar citizen here in the South Western region of the U.S. and my biggest question is.
    Why is it that most real Americans can see this problem, But the politicians will not bring the issue up.
    We should already have our military in place.
    We should of already had put special war policies in place when our country is at a state of war.
    ie. Securing our borders. And an entire census of the United States on every town and every city for the wear abouts of undocumented people wandering through out our streets.
    I don’t know about you, But I think I can tell when someone looks out of place with out racially profiling him/her.
    I have no problems with background checks, and neither should any American that loves his country and fellow man.
    My point is. This drug war is only a front for whats really going on
    across our borders. Some of these undocumented people are actually from other countries. I think you know what I mean.
    Now as an ordinary citizen, born here in the U.S.A.
    Should I take means to helping my country defending herself from an attack from our southern borders. Or should I stick my head in the sand like everyone else does.
    I’d rather fight.
    I love my country from which I was born in.

  • How are you going to win a war where the problem lies in our own consumption of drugs? Americans snort, smoke, shoot up, inject and ingest tons and tons of drugs, cocaine, marihuana, metamphetamines, angel dust, extasy, etc., etc., According to the U.S. Department of Justice, close to 50 million Americans use drugs. Having the military seal borders is only one measure, the defenitive cure is to stop using drugs or making them legal.

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