Homeland Security News

UK – al-Qaeda Buying Ambulances and Other Emergency Vehicles on Online

MI5 have warned Britain’s cash-strapped National Health Services that dozens of ambulances–along with old police cars and fire engines past their sell-by date–are being snapped up by al-Qaeda operatives in the United Kingdom to mount suicide bomb attacks.

So serious is the problem that counter-terrorism officials at the Home Office have written to eBay, the Internet auctioneer, asking them to stop selling emergency service vehicles, equipment and uniforms.

But eBay has insisted it can only halt the sales if a new law is passed by Parliament. That could take many months to enact.

The use of ambulances is of particular concern to Britain’s terrorist chiefs. They say the tactic has already been used in Iraq with devastating effects.

A report by Lord Carlisle–the government terrorist czar who last month warned about the possibility of private planes being used for an attack on London–has been issued to all of Britain’s 48 police forces warning of the danger of selling-off emergency service vehicles.

Lord Carlisle, who works closely with the Terrorism Analysis Centre in London set up since the 9/11 attacks, said ambulances were the ideal weapon of choice for terrorists.

“It is almost rare that police will stop such vehicles on suspicious grounds. An ambulance rigged with high explosives could drive into any ultra-sensitive target like a nuclear power station or even Whitehall”, said a senior MI5 source.

The Association of Chief Police Officers has warned that the risk could be “highly significant” if the law is not tightened.

Every year dozens of police cars, ambulances and even fire engines are sold on eBay for as little as £1,500 ($2,230).

Many are still in working order. Those that need repair can be easily fixed to pass as genuine emergency service vehicles.

“An ambulance could carry half a ton of explosives. A rigged police car could carry half that amount. So could a fire engine”, states the MI5 report.

MI5 counter-terrorism officers say such attacks have been successfully carried out in Iraq and Israel.

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  • Information is that MI5 have warned Britain’s cash-strapped National Health Services that dozens of ambulances–along with old police cars and fire engines past their sell-by date–are being snapped up by al-Qaeda operatives in the United Kingdom to mount suicide bomb attacks.
    Well, if MI5 knows these buyers “are” Al Qaeda operatives, they should act immediately once the purchase is made. Take the enemy out before they can cause any harm, don’t wait!!!

  • Does EBAY not care about the seriousness of this situation? If a goverment is telling them NOT to sell these why don’t they listen/obey. So the terroists using these emergency vehicles in a terror attack, killing innocent citizens, then maybe EBAY WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS/WISHED THEY HAD LISTENED TO THE GOVERMENT TO HALTING THE SALES.

  • This reminds me of a newspaper story I read a few years ago.

    Near Hazelton, Pa, five license plates were stolen from ambulances and emergency responder vehicles.

    No one paid much attention to it, but the story jumped out at me like it was written in red ink.

    “why the HELL would anyone want 5 ambulance plates!?!?

    Well, self, (I said) You can buy an ambulance on ebay, but you cant buy ambulance plates.

    Ok, I simplify it.
    If theres an emergency, say, an explosion, emergency vehicles will be ushered in to the affected area with no questions asked, right?!?
    Well, we’ve seen what the Jihadists do in Iraq.
    They set off one bomb, and then when people converge to help the injurded and affected, they set off an even larger one, to aflict more casualties.
    Imagine what an ambulance full of explosives can do in that scenario.

    Memo to law enforcement/traffic controllers.

    Dont be so quick to pass every vehicle through.

    why the HELL would anyone break into a fenced in area, to steal 5 license plates????? For the fun of it???

    Think, people.

  • If Al Qaeda is buying used Emergency Service Vehicles, I wonder if this is being done the USA as well. This a scary thought!

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