Homeland Security News

U.S. Says Iran Has Enough Material for Nuclear Bomb

The United States now believes that Iran has amassed enough uranium that with further purification could be used to build an atomic bomb, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff declared Sunday.

The statement by the chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen, went further than previous, official judgments of the Iranian nuclear threat, and it essentially confirmed a new report by the United Nations nuclear watchdog agency, which found that Iran had enough nuclear material for a bomb.

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  • Guess now, we will just sit back, wait for them to launch/drop a nuke on one or more of their enemies before we put a stop to their action…..when are we going to WAKE UP???? (probably right after the bright flash, right?)

  • Are some of the fools that voted for Obama connecting the dots yet? This is not something he inherited. His bail out plan and campaign platform attacked the economy blaming President Bush because the war was and is all to real,tons of hydrogen Fertilizer, diappears in the US,terrorists kill cricket team athletes,Iran understates their nuclear readiness and bomb potential! The perfect american suicide will be 12 million illegal aliens ,with a “swipe of the pen”suddenly legal, and voting with one intention,to vote Obamination into a second term,a socialist/muslim/with domestic terrorist friends,(that would be professor Ayer the pentagon bomber), and a pay check for legal services rendered as counsel for ACORN, a company with 400,000 duplicate and fraudulent registrations to its credit,and so far that is what the ongoing investigation has exposed!

    I hope the liberals and demoncrats in washington are satisfied with their efforts so far. Not to worry the liberal press will continue to report the news as survile,treasonist,insurrectionists,cowards that they are! They know who they are and the remaining american patriots will know who they are when civil unrests becomes a reality in the US, as it already has in several European countries.We may be forced to make citizen arrests when the military and law enforcement are rendered useless by the ACLU with “crisis of conscience” with Pelosi, Kennedy,Hillary and Obama in support! Wake up America,”Satan is smiling”! 52% of you made the wrong choice and the bail out is just the beginning of the end!

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