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What America Needs to Know About EMPs

Electromagnetic Pulse Threat

Electromagnetic Pulse Still a Risk

In her article “The Boogeyman Bomb,” Sharon Weinberger makes several allegations about the threat of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons, and a congressional commission set up to investigate it, that require correction.

By way of background, a nuclear weapon detonated at high altitude will produce an electromagnetic pulse that can damage and destroy electronic systems over vast regions of the Earth’s surface. A single nuclear weapon detonated at an altitude of 400 kilometers over the United States would project an EMP field over the entire country, as well as parts of Canada and Mexico. Mother Nature can also pose an EMP threat by means of a solar flare that causes a geomagnetic storm.

EMP is not just a threat to computers and electronic gadgets, but to all the critical infrastructures that depend on electronics and electricity — communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water — and that sustain modern civilization and the lives of the American people.

In 2008, the congressionally mandated Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack delivered its final report to Congress, the Defense Department, and the Department of Homeland Security. The commission concluded that terrorist groups, rogue states, China, and Russia are theoretically capable of launching a catastrophic EMP attack against the United States and either had contingency plans to do so or were actively pursuing the ability. Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia have scientific and military research programs dedicated to or supportive of EMP capability, and their military doctrinal writings explicitly describe EMP attacks against the United States.

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  • Sharon Weinberger obviously has an axe to grind. She also obviously hasn’t the slightest idea of what she is talking about. In fact, the Commission didn’t go far enough – just one small Russian-made “super-EMP” device detonated close to Wall St. would devastate our economy to an extent that we might not ever recover. A similar device set off in certain areas of Dallas, LA, San Francisco, or New York would cripple our telecommunications capability. On and on it goes.

  • EMP is a very well known phenomenon among anyone involved in electronics from engineeres to novices. Additionally, although this a potential problem for most of the major US cities, virtually all “mission essential” military targets are protected from EMP. This includes the US ability to retaliate not just with a EMP explosion over a rough state but a full blown ICBM attack. It would be suicidal for a foreign government to even plan for an EMF attack on US soil, territories, or allies. A terrorist may commit their own suicide but it is not in their best interest to be responsible for the complete destruction of their homeland and its people.

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