Homeland Security News

White House Concerned Over al Qaeda Terror Attack During Transition

President Bush on Thursday said he is concerned that al Qaeda will try to test the incoming Obama administration with a terror attack on U.S. soil, and said he will meet with the president-elect Monday to talk about homeland defense and the economy.

Terrorists, the president said, “would like nothing more than to exploit this period of change to harm the American people.”

White House press secretary Dana Perino stressed that the U.S. government has no specific intelligence of any imminent attacks.

“I don’t know anything specific, but we do know this a heightened period of concern,” Mrs. Perino said. “We know that al Qaeda and others try to test a new administration.”

“That is something that we’re very concerned about. We’ve seen that in other countries,” Mrs. Perino said, mentioning the example of a 2004 bombing in Madrid, Spain that killed 191 people.

That bombing, however, was committed just before national elections in an attempt to influence the outcome, by what authorities deemed to be terrorists trying to imitate al Qaeda.

But Mr. Bush, speaking to more than 1,000 executive branch employees from across the federal government on the South Lawn, said the terrorist threat is a main reason that “all of must ensure that the next president and his team can hit the ground running.”

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  • Why does the picture of President Bush show the White House sinking? I can think of several reasons (liberal boneheads), but curious to know the answer.

    Editors Note: Our apologies. The previous image was taken from a image gallery and looking at the thumbnail it was not apparent the image had been photo-shopped. It has been replaced. Thank you for calling this to our attention.

  • Should al-Qaeda make ANY attempt to strike the US again or our allies, weastern powers should take immediately counter with overwhelming invasions of any and all countries known to harbor and facilitate al-Qaeda operations including but not limited to: Pakistan, Afghansitan, Somalia, Yemen. There is only one way to kill snake and that is to cut-off it’s head. The mediocore appraoch taken thus far to fight al-Qaeda has only given them more time to recruit and plan for future attacks. The world needs to press for an all out offensive against this and other organizations who wish to cause terror across the globe. Enough IS enough….it is time for decisive measures.

  • I 100% agree with you John. Like I have also said in two other postings our people of our great country must ALL STAND UP TOGETHER and help our goverment defend us in the land of the free! GOD BLESS THE USA

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