Homeland Security News

White House Considers Moving 9/11 Terror Trial

In a surprising turn of events, The New York Daily News reports The White House has ordered the Justice Department Thursday night to consider other places to try the 9/11 terror suspects after a wave of opposition to holding the trial in lower Manhattan.

The dramatic turnabout came hours after Mayor Bloomberg said he would “prefer that they did it elsewhere” and then spoke to Attorney General Eric Holder.

“It would be an inconvenience at the least, and probably that's too mild a word for people that live in the neighborhood and businesses in the neighborhood,” Bloomberg told reporters.

“There are places that would be less expensive for the taxpayers and less disruptive for New York City.”

State and city leaders have increasingly railed against a plan to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in Manhattan federal court since Holder proposed it last month.

Sen. Chuck Schumer said he was “pleased” that the administration is reconsidering the location of the trial.

via White House asks Justice Department to look for other places to hold 9/11 terror trial.

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  • Life with Obama, it couldn’t get any funnier.
    Obama is the best thing that could ever happen to the conservative movemnet in America. lol
    It just keeps getting better and better!

  • I have a thought, move it back to a military tribunal where it belongs!!!

  • We have all these politicians here in D.C. focusing on themselves and how to position themselves for their re-elections. How about this, step up and be leaders first. How hard is it to recognize that Americans everywhere are screaming for leadership.

    This is the perfect place for at least one of you to begin. Fact is our laws need to have additions or changes made to them to account for the things that do not adaquetely or appropriately address issues like terrorism. If they are going to be taken into Civil or Criminal court, then you best have the standards and measures figured out and passed long before they get there. Frankly, I’m not sure they belong there. But I’m only 1 person with 1 opinion on that. What I do recommend is that we start making sure the appropriate systems are in place to deal with issues like this and that they have adequate time to be vetted to ensure wherever the cases end up that they are tried in well thought out and consistent manner. This problem is not going to disappear. Get to work and do something about it.

    You wouldn’t have to worry about re-election STRATEGIES if you were actually DEMONSTRATING the leadership your constitutants expect and would respect. It’s really not complicated…. It will take some effort and God knows, it means thinking and acting on behalf of others before yourself. Our founding fathers figured it out….why can’t you?

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