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Would You Want al Qaeda In Your Backyard?

Interesting questions. Would you want Khalid Sheikh Mohammed living in your backyard? How about the accused mastermind of 9/11 and his four alleged cohorts spending their time just yards from your back door?

That, essentially, is what the residents of the New York City apartment building Chatham Towers face. Their 240 apartments are just yards from the Federal Courthouse in lower Manhattan where the Obama administration plans to try the terror suspects in civilian court. In fact, by my measurement, the corner of the courthouse at one point is a mere 30 feet from the corner of the apartment complex. The buildings are so close, you can look right into the windows of the courthouse “and see them eating lunch,” as one resident put it.

The people who live here are outraged at the White House decision and are urging the administration to move the trials.

“People’s lives are going to be altered, this is going to be a federal armed camp,” resident Jeanie Chin told Fox News. “I hope that President Obama will reconsider when he understands that densely packed residential buildings surround the court.”

Fox News visited a couple of apartments and we could clearly see the goings on inside the courthouse with the naked eye. The windows are so close, that we could view whom we presumed to be Assistant United States Attorneys going about their work on federal criminal cases, administrative assistants using the copying machine, and people working on their desktop computers and drinking coffee. We could also view lawyers and others in what appears to be a federal courtroom. At one point, people inside a courthouse office even waved back.

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  • Anyone alleged to have committed a terrorist attack, whether a foreign national or an American should immediately be transferred to Guantanamo. You remember. The camp that Obama plans to close! The charge of terrorism immediately puts the accused in a different category. The military tribunal should be the court venue for anyone attacking America, even an American citizen. Eric Holder is out of control and Obama is allowing it. Americans are put at risk by these
    reckless decisions. The cost of security, the restrictions that will be imposed for the duration of the trials, the loss of tourism are all unacceptable results of the poor decision making by this USAG.

  • I have to wonder if the powers that be have put themselves in the minds of al Qaeda at all in regards to the issue of security both in the trials in New York, and the incarceration of these individuals on U.S. soil, or is the planning purely reactive ? There are multiple ways in which AQ could take advantage of these situations.

  • High profile Terrorist trials should be held on large battleships that are continually moving in U.S. waters; that way the trial is in no body’s backyard, but still in U.S. Jurisdiction. Large battleships can be made to comfortably accommodate court officers, the press and others needed to attend. Thereafter terrorists found guilty can be sent to appropriate destinations for incarceration.

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