Emergency Preparedness

After Armageddon Special On The History Channel

What have previous acts of destruction taught us regarding what may happen to humanity following the apocalypse? Could it be certain that devastation will someday hit America at an unparalleled degree? How has history prepared us?

History’s most stunning events Hiroshima, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and more are reviewed and analyzed with hard info obtained from their substantial aftereffects. The disappearance of water and food products, the results of deteriorated sanitation and medical care on the remaining population, additionally, the elevated use of violence as a means of survival all depict how societies have reacted and survived.

I had an opportunity to be involved with the show and believe it will be of interest to many of you.

After Armageddon – Tuesday at 8:00pm EST

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  • I caught the latter half of the show, very good show and some good survival type ideas.

    It even advertised to “buy the show” on their website. It isn’t available for sale yet. 🙁

  • I watched the show and agree that most Americans are out of contact with grassroots survival. This is all because we are a spoiled generation of Americans, a people that go to sleep every night expecting life to be normal the next day. My career in the Army and lifestyle as a “redneck” has prepared me and my lineage to survive in almost any scenario. Any and all Americans should watch and take heed. IT COULD REALLY HAPPEN!! Wouldn’t it be a shame to find that only the “third world nations” survive the Armegeddon because they live it every day.

  • […] new series about surviving an apocalyptic event. Apocalypse Man History Channel After Armageddon After Armageddon Special On The History Channel : Homeland Security News The powers that be are probably crapping a solid gold brick at the thought of the next elections […]

  • Unbelievable. This was one of the best programs I’ve ever seen, and by far the best survival program. The characters were realistic and likable. The expert commentary was incredible, factual, not too overbearing. The acting was excellent. I learned a lot from this program, and am on board now to stock up on basic supplies and maybe even a weapon. I believe the place to head in a situation like the one presented would be Utah. The overwhelming majority of Utahns are taught to stockpile one year’s worth of food and supplies, so basic needs would be available there more than anywhere else.

    I can’t wait to buy this program and show it to my friends and family.

  • Actually a very good show, but not surprisingly they (History Channel) chose to pick the dumbest people to represent us (Americans), who don’t know a thing about survival. However…. I would assume MOST in the LA Basin are fairly similar to that family (ignorant/anarchists/chaos, or oportunists). Most people who are survivalists (those who stock extra food/water/and YES, gun owners, etc) WILL definitely be more prepared. It is agreeable that some as those depicted in the show WILL be chaotic (like the move Mad Max) but I believe most “survivor’s” will actually be very decent and level headed people.
    Over all, the program was (in my opinion) was probably very practical, but I’d love to see the “Armageddon” program with those who WERE and ARE prepared. That may be the most educational.
    We (as a “Modern” civilization) have only existed for a short time, maybe 70 or 80 years. In that, I believe we, as a civilization have been become WAY too comfortable with “technology” and have forgotten about truly taking care of OUR SELVES and NOT relying on others!

    Either way, thanks to the History Channel, for all the programs offered!

  • I think this show made a few really good points. I wondered what happened to the military and information though. Toward the end, they mentioned that there would be no one left who knew how to restart the power grid and power plants or the information to train new operators. They indicated it would just be books with basic historical info. In their 25 years later portion at the end that knowledge was for the most part lost and gangs still controlled the big cities. One quote was, “I don’t imagine that the big cities will ever work again.” While I typically place little faith in government, I suspect that there would remain a core and loyal military with leadership and technical know-how to maintain a store of our knowledge. Even beyond printed documents, much data would still exist and just need a power source to be restored. There are some pretty sophisticated disaster recovery systems in place at thousands of data centers around the country that plan for even this worst-case situation. I take the slightly more optimistic view that even in a worst-case scenario as depicted, order and infrastructure would be gradually restored (although it might take years).

    I agree with the earlier post about most city-dwelling Americans having very little understanding of basic survival skills. I grew up on a farm in KS and am pretty confident that things would change, but in general, communities would survive and revert to earlier methods. There was a very bad ice storm in that region about ten years ago and my parents just went to stay with my grandma. They just put everything in the freezer outside (where it remained cold), stayed warm with a wood-burning stove, and went on as usual. They do have the benefit of a spring-fed well.

    Enjoyed the show!

  • I loved the show. This situation can really happen. I hope the history channel puts it on again soon.

  • I really liked the semi documentary style of the show. While the show skipped over details its a good high level overview without fear mongering. Hopefuly the show will repeate several more times and get people thinking or talking. Be it snow srorm, job loss or viurs – those who are prepared suffer far less than those who are not.

  • I saw the show last night, it was cool… Like Tim C. I spent most of my life in the United States Marine Corps, American’s are totally unprepared for any survival situation. My family thinks I’m crazy for being so prepared, but I’ve lived in War Zones and other very bad things, Humans quickly become Cavemen again… I hope it never happens and if it does, I hope we don’t implode on our selves…

    I just wanted my kids to see the show, but they are to buried in their cell phones, IPODS and computers to even think about the “Will to Survive”. Hell, America forgets we are at war and that we are all soft targets in this Nation and abroad. You always have to plan ahead, always have a escape plan, well survival plan…

  • I have watched about 1/2 of it already, will watch the rest tonight. I really enjoyed it. By enjoy I mean the information they present with real life examples of how similar things have happened on a smaller scale. The situation of it actually happening gives me shivers all over. But it is a believable situation which makes it even more scary. Those were some good points of things to be aware of and to do. Im out the outskirts of a midsize midwest city, and don’t think the traffic would be as bad here, but still things would be crazy. Would have good plan to have alternate route to go (non-highway). Then also keeping enough gas available to get where I am need to go (which I am thinking is about 1/2 tank of gas away). Almost need to get about a 10 or so Gallon gas tank to be able to make sure I can get there if I only have 1/4th tank full.

    I can’t wait to watch the rest of it tonight.

  • I am a librarian and was very impressed with this show. I would be very interested in buying it for the library. When will it go on sale?
    Thank you,

  • I think that they did a great job of playing out that particular situation. As for the expected real possible event I think that we face others in our near future that may be just if not more overwhelming, such as major earth quakes and solar flares. If anyone gets a chance they should read a book by Larry Berket called Solar Flare it paints a real clear picture of battles one faces just making it out of a big city alive.

  • C.Bryan

    Wow, all I am going to say is you critically fail with your comment

  • On Glenn Beck’s show, with Eric Massa, there was a commercial with a guy selling survival seeds, non hybrid, which I guess means that they will, once mature, make more seeds for you to plant the next year. So you end up with a nice yard of vegetables. And the morning after they are ready to be harvested, you go outside and the entire field is already cleared. Guns and ammunition, as well as the ability to create a protective group around a farming group, will be what’s necessary. And then we will be back to the feudal system.

  • I taped this program (not exactly the modern technology, but it worked.)
    Anyway I’ve watched and re-watched this a few times and it is a bit scary.
    But I do agree with some of the comments that perhaps, and maybe, the military would have a bigger presence in such a disaster scenario.
    Had it not been for Katrina, I would have thought this program was a bit much, but Katrina taught us that people can hit the panic button real quick.
    While watching this I couldn’t help thinking that the pandemic victims might be the lucky ones.
    I really don’t know how society would handle 100 million fatalities in a short time span.
    Hopefully, with the help from God, we’ll never have to see.
    It did get me thinking that the breakdown in infrastructure is a big story.
    That’s the case during a bad winter storm. At first the story covers the weather.. after that.. it’s all about infrastructure breakdown. Schools closing.. roads closing… people not being able to travel… shortages of snow shovels.. shortages of salt.. power failures… shelters.
    Seems to me most of the time people pull together. I hope that’s the case.

  • Well I have not seen the show as of yet I just downloaded it and will watch it tonight, However as far as surviving the “Armageddon” the actual on I think most people need to read Revelation’s (The Holy Bible) because the aftermath of that final war will be God(Jesus)is when He returns and He will change the world as we know it, It will become Heaven on Earth, Christ then will Take His Place on Earth as King and it will be for 1,000 years, and those who were saved will live with him, after the 1,000 years comes the final Judgment.


  • Only got a chance to watch the middle 1/2 hour. Didn’t know it was on and couldn’t stay up. Anyway there is no repeat showing in my area and I taped it over 48 min late, but it looks good. Even when the “wife” panicked and dropped the .45 revolver and they ran with little food (that’s where I left off) HOPE to see the whole show soon. Also, Robert That’s JUST the Judeo–Christian Point of View There are THOUSANDS of other aspects to consider. I’m not going to get into a religious debate on a Documentary. Anyway God helps those who help themselves.

  • I think instead of “After Armageddon” it is what the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation period will be like. Very interesting film. Had a lot of good info about survival options. Hope it never happens but I can see it coming. Best not be caught in a large city when it does. I missed the first 15 minutes but will catch them tonight. Don

  • Great show! People need to be informed. There is much ignorance in America. Americans thinks what they “need” will always be there on a silver platter. This will not always be the case. We must always be prepared. People are crazy!

  • I was able to see the last 45 mins of the show…I agree that the documetary is a strong posibility of upcoming events…But, Who knows?..Look at the evidence and decide for yourself…History has proved to be a pattern of events.

  • Actually, i liked this show, and much of it’s survival tips were correct, but i saw one problem. This show talks much about avoiding looters, thugs, and road warriors, but what if you ARE a looter, or a member of a road gang? What if you ARE the one badass with a gun?

  • I saw an encore presentation of After Armageddon on the History Channel last night. I was thoroughly enthralled and intrigued. It presented a realistic scenario that could happen. It provided some excellent survival techniques. I think all Americans could benefit from its “reality check” perspective on preparedness.

    As the result of watching this program, I am ramping up my preparations for the “worst case” scenario that was dramatized. I even found this checklist. I encourage all to take a look:


    I am a gun control advocate. I believe in the right to bear arms, but also that reasonable gun control is appropriate and necessary. However, over the next few weeks, I plan to purchase a Ruger pistol and shot gun for protection. As someone pointed out, in a situation of anarchy, who has the food and who has the weapons will have the power. I don’t want the power in such a situation, but I do want to insure the survival of myself and my family if this worst case scenario would ever occur. This show had a profound impact on me…

  • One of the lessons of this program might be this: it might be better to be one of the victims of the pandemic than one of the survivors.

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