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Breast Implant Bombs Could Be Terrorists New Weapon

Breast implant bombs could be the newest method for terrorists to conceal explosives according to this report.

British spy satellites have reportedly intercepted terrorist communications from Pakistan and Yemen, talking about women suicide bombers getting explosives put inside breast implants.

Former Houston FBI Director Don Clark said he believes U.S. Homeland Security is taking this threat very seriously.

“Sometimes as ridiculous as it may sound, it can probably be pulled off…Terrorists and terrorist attack are a reality,” Clark said.

The British Intel service reports several plastic surgeons who were trained in many of London’s hospitals have returned to their countries to perform the surgeries.

“I’m sure we are gathering all the information, intelligence that the government can” he said. “They are also securing all the ports, airports and main attractions as much as possible. The government takes these types of threats seriously and not relaxed.”

Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose said that the industry’s technology makes the bombs possible and easy.

“To have a plastic surgeon put in liquid explosion in an implant and teaching somebody how to detect it-it’s unfathomable,” Rose said.

Travelers at Boston Logan Airport reacted with outrage and anxiety.

“I guess it’s surprising, but I guess it’s not surprising that they’re gonna go to any lengths,” one traveler said.

Another person at Logan said it could indicate increased security measures need to be taken.

“I think that we need to invest in full-body scan equipment at the airports. I think that would be the only helpful and the right thing to do,” one man said.

via Breast Implant Bombs May Be Terrorists New Weapon.

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  • If terrorists go down this route, they could also attach ‘false’ colostomy bags to their adomens and this would create a very difficult situation for the security staff member should veritication be needed! I mean this seriously and is not a frivolous comment as I believe terrorists will stop at nothing.

  • There is no limit to what and how these terrorist acts can and will take place. No matter what is done they will come up with ways of circumventing it.
    Remember the plastic bags of explosives…
    Well, HELLOOOOO…. Full Body Scans will not detect liquid explosives either!
    It is a never ending constantly changing environment to keep up with and hopefully prevent another attack. Especially when ever you turn around there is loud opposition coming at you.

    All I Can Say IS….
    Keep up the good work guys… You have my support against Terrorism…
    I have nothing to hide …. Scan away, Do what is necessary to protect our families, homes, citys, states and country.

    The same ones that will complain about what you do or how you do it…(Invasion of Privacy, etc.) will be the same ones complaining why you didn’t prevent the next one from happening.
    It’s a no win situation but as long as in your hearts you are doing something for the right reasons I support it!
    A True Honest Law Abiding American sadly also considered the silent majority.

  • This is going to open the door to a whole aspect of security scanning of passengers. As if there isn’t enough invasion of privacy today it has come down to this and it’s all necessary. To fly will require you to show up 4 hours before your flight in order to subject yourself to a full body/cavity search and x-ray. Then one will have to prove that the “mass” in their breast is a real implant as opposed to a bomb. Imagine the embarrassment for a cancer mastectomy survivor. Add to this that there are newer pyrotechnics on the market that will fool a good many of the “sniffers” we have in place now. Some of the old pyro will fool a sniffer if it’s inside a bag, inside a body. It’s all too real and so sad.

  • If there was ever a case of pre-emptive strikes against those who provide material support against those who aid and abet terrorists!

    Terrorist have to know there is a price to pay for acts of terror….

  • Why not develop a bomb proof room that all passengers must go through that has a sign on the door “All explosive devices will be detonated in this room”?

  • I have a surgical implant, this makes me sick to my stomach. If who ever has a surgical implant should have a I.D. card to show. I have a neurostimulator for nerve damage, if I go through a airport the person has to wand me because I can be hurt by the machine. If i go into a store i shut it off and walk fast through the security sensors. If i set them off i wait outside and show them my card. I don’t fly anymore. NO ID WITH WHAT DOCTOR AND HOSPITAL DATE OF SURGERY AND COMPANY the implant came from then the airport should do more security checks. For breast implants who knows.

  • If there is a terrrorist attack he or she will be escorted round security by the CIA like the underwear bomber was. look it up.

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