Homeland Security

E-bombs EMP Weapon Worries Counter-Terrorism Experts

Weapons experts and techno-thriller fans are familiar with the concept of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) — a supermassive blast of electricity, usually from a nuclear blast high above ground, that fries electronic circuits for miles around, crippling computers, cars and most other modern gadgets.

Now comes word that a much smaller EMP device, or “e-bomb,” could be carried in a car, or even on someone’s person — and be used to take down an airliner.

“Once it is known that aircraft are vulnerable to particular types of disruption, it isn’t too much of a leap to build a device that can produce that sort of disruption,” Israeli counter-terrorism expert Yael Shahar tells New Scientist magazine. “And much of this could be built from off-the-shelf components or dual-use technologies.

Shahar says she’s especially worried about two devices — one called a Marx generator, which beams an EMP at a target, and the other with the “Back to the Future”-like name of flux-compression generator.

The latter was developed by the Soviets during the 1950s when Marx generators proved too expensive. Basically, an explosive charge is set off at one end of a cylinder of charged copper coils, and the resulting shock wave sends out a powerful electric pulse as it travels down the tube.


From NewScientist

Electromagnetic pulse weapons capable of frying the electronics in civil airliners can be built using information and components available on the net, warn counterterrorism analysts.

All it would take to bring a plane down would be a single but highly energetic microwave radio pulse blasted from a device inside a plane, or on the ground and trained at an aircraft coming in to land.

Yael Shahar, director of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Herzliya, Israel, and her colleagues have analyzed electromagnetic weapons in development or used by military forces worldwide, and have discovered that there is low-cost equipment available online that can act in similar ways. “These will become more of a threat as the electromagnetic weapons technology matures,” she says.

For instance, the US and Russian military have developed electromagnetic pulse (EMP) warheads that create a radio-frequency shockwave. The radio pulse creates an electric field of many hundreds of thousands of volts per metre, which induces currents that burn out nearby electrical systems, such as microchips and car electronics.

Speculation persists that such “e-bombs” have been used in the Persian Gulf, and in Kosovo and Afghanistan – but this remains unconfirmed. But much of what the military is doing can be duplicated by others, Shahar says. “Once it is known that aircraft are vulnerable to particular types of disruption, it isn’t too much of a leap to build a device that can produce that sort of disruption. And much of this could be built from off-the-shelf components or dual-use technologies.”


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  • I’ve been putting this concern to thought for many years now. And now more than ever I believe it to be just as much of a threat. What we fail to see is the basic areas of such an e-bomb delivery and how it literally can be placed in a backpack. One merely needs to detonate one of these things 200-300 feet above the ground in a metropolitan area to do damage. That leaves roof-tops, charter planes, window-cleaner rigs on a high-rise, remote toy planes. Need I go on. I do not believe the US Counter-Terrorism infastructure has fully evaluated the risks brought on by these e-bombs and the how they pose a greater danger prior to a bigger attack on the populace.

  • Keep in mind it does not cost very much to produce electronics that is schielded from such weapons and should have been started long ago.

    Most electronics can be sheilded for just a few dollars!

    What are we waiting for, your guess is as good as mine. I’m sure some things are now sheilded.

    How about our radios, computers, everyday things. I would gladly pay the added cost rather than end up back in the gave man days as these ebombs even render useless electronics sitting on a shelf somewheere.

    Your thoughts?

  • Read the new book “One Second After” by William Forstchen. It is a work of fiction, but the author wrote it to bring to the forefront this very real possibility. It is chilling and makes you think.

  • D.r Tesla, spoke of this a 100 years, ago. He claimed that he had invented a device that could release a tsunami of electrons upto million ampere strong that could stop a fleet of 10,000 aircraft upto 200 miles away.Used against cities he said that the device could shutdown all radio in a large radius.
    A American scientist, has invented such a device which can do what tesla claims.

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