Incident Reports

Flight 2148 – Man Detained Trying To Open Jets Cabin Door

Flight attendents seek hand to hand combat instruction

Airline Cabin

Fox News reports A flight from Los Angeles to Florida was diverted to Albuquerque early Friday after a passenger sprayed the first-class cabin with a water bottle, tried to open a cabin door and threatened to blow up the aircraft.

Crew members and passengers on Delta Air Lines flight 2148 to Tampa, Fla., subdued Stanley Dwayne Sheffield, 46. He was taken into federal custody after the plane landed at 1:30 a.m. Friday.

“There wasn’t time to think, just react. When somebody says they’re going to blow up the plane, there’s no fooling around,” said Tampa Bay Rays broadcaster and former major league manager Kevin Kennedy, who was among a group of eight men that subdued Sheffield.

Kennedy was asleep when the ruckus awoke him, he told reporters before Tampa Bay’s baseball game Friday night against Toronto.

“Then I hear in loud voices some guy talking about Satan and death. I can hear the flight attendant, a lady who was a little bit nervous. It woke me up and I was wide awake immediately. I see this guy and he was crossing himself and flipping water around, talking about Satan. As I looked around, other guys (in first class) were kind of waking up,” he said.

FBI Supervisory Special Agent Darrin Jones said authorities do not believe the incident was related to terrorism.

via Source.

Tampa Bay Rays broadcaster Kevin Kennedy helps subdue man who caused mayhem on Tampa-bound Delta flight

Tampa Bay Rays broadcaster Kevin Kennedy and seven other men subdued a wild-eyed man on a cross-county flight Friday after he went bonkers.

“I am going to bring this plane down,” 46-year-old Stanley Sheffield shrieked as he splashed sleepy passengers on a red-eye Delta Air Lines flight with water from a plastic bottle.

“You need to land this plane or I’m going to blow it up,” he said on the Los Angeles to Tampa flight. “I will blow up this plane and take you all with me.”

He then strode toward he cockpit door, shouting, “Get behind me, Satan!”

The commotion woke the dozing Kennedy, who made eye contact with other men in first class and agreed to take action.

“As soon as he started to go for the cockpit door, we charged. We took him down. We tied him up,” the 56-year-old Kennedy said. “But was not an easy takedown. We finally got him hogtied with seat belt extensions from the plane.”

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  • Quit sleeping, stay alert.
    The world of air travel is no longer the same.
    Look at others in the cabin…go TALK to them; if need be. Check out your fellow travelers…the very guy next to you.
    If you see something-then SAY something about it to a flight attendant. They are highly trained people.
    These travelers were good to assist the flight attendants.
    Flight Attendants are worn out,get little sleep, and are renumerated poorly; (that’s why they pick up extra work);they can’t do it all…serve passengers, ring up food items, find pillows and blankets, set up their galleys and push 350 lb. carts, stow passengers luggage, answer tons of questions, give CPR and comfort care to hundreds AND be pleasant!It is a hard job; reguardless of what you observe-MOST OF IT we never SEE what they do for their passengers.
    I believe the flight attendants are counting on a few good men…
    Way to go Americans and fellow travelers!

  • This was a very wonderful man. He was a very close and trusted friend. I don’t know what snapped in him, but I hope he gets the help that is needed. How would I find information on him anything would be great.

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