Homeland Security News

New Cartel Threat: The U.S. Energy Supply

For those who think that simply legalizing drugs will put the cartels out of business, consider this…

The Los Angeles Times this week reported that the violent “Los Zetas” cartel has “crippled” production in the Burgos basin in Tamaulipas state, home of Mexico’s biggest natural gas fields.

Thirty oil workers and contractors have been kidnapped, including five who were snatched in May and haven’t been heard from since. The cartels force workers to collaborate with them to steal energy, which is then sold for cash.

The gunmen also shake information out of workers on security systems and the delicate workings of gas transport so they can hijack production. Natural gas, with its visible pipelines, is particularly vulnerable, but the cartels have begun moving on oil too.

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Homeland Security NTARC News


  • Legalising drugs would bring the Law of Unintended Consequences into play in spades – and it looks like rehearsals have started.

  • This is a result of governments not seeing and treating the cartels as the terrorist that they are. These resent actions only further my argument, these groups are in every way terrorist organizations. The crimes committed are federal crimes and should be handled my federal agencies. Since they also pose a threat to national security they need to be treated as such. Military action is warranted; when will our government leaders take the necessary action that is demanded. These cartels have already taken over several towns in the USA, and committed crimes ranging from drug smuggling and kidnapping to cold blooded murder of U.S. citizens. How much more is required for us to take this matter seriously?

  • This is just another example, that reveals the activity of Muslim extremists. This is not the work of simply drug cartels, that have sought to protect their distribution in the past. This reveals a deeper agenda, one in which destroying the oil infrastructure is needed. This could be for the sake of Saudi interests or plain old economic destruction. I don’t think this is just over kidnapping for ransom. These people need money to finance their war on terror. The groups Hamas, & Hezbola will do anything for the greater cause, which is to force Sharia on all lands. These people need Mexico for a launch pad against the U.S. just like Gaza, & Palestine is to Israel. This is what is happening.

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