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Solar Storm Could Take Our Power Grid Out For Years

John Kappenman, 55, an obscure electrical engineer from Duluth, Minnesota, is determined to save civilization from the mother of all blackouts. If he succeeds, the daily life of billions around the world will continue undisrupted. But if he fails, we may well suffer on a scale that makes even World Wars seem trivial in comparison.

Over the past thirty years, Kappenman has accumulated a vast and compelling body of evidence indicating that sooner or later a major blast of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) from the Sun, a space weather Katrina, will knock out the electrical power grid and bring society to its knees.

“Historically large storms have a potential to cause power grid blackouts and transformer damage of unprecedented proportions. An event that could incapacitate the network for a long time could be one of the largest natural disasters we could face,” he declares. A bluff, friendly man, half science nerd, half overgrown farm boy, Kappenman insists that solar EMP blasts the size of those that occurred in 1859 (before society was electrified) and 1921(before the power grid had developed to the point where it played any significant role) would today result in large-scale blackouts lasting for months or years.

via Lawrence E. Joseph: The Solar ‘Katrina’ Storm That Could Take Our Power Grid Out For Years.

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  • This article tells us nothing about what he is doing to stop the damage from a solar storm. All it does is tell us what is common knowledge already, that there is a threat to our grid from this potential natural disaster and that he wants to do something about it. If this happens we’ll be back to building fires to cook our food and having a town crier to deliver the news!

  • The best thginbg you can do to mitigate the results of such a solar storm would be to stock up on rechargeable batteries, solar panels, and find yourself a tube-style HAM radio. Buy yourself a rifle for hunting and a shotgun for defense. Stock up on ammo for them. LEARN HOW TO USE THEM! Buy as many propane cylinders as you can and keep them full (propane can be stored indefinately).

    The people who can communicate, the people who can find a way to push back the darkness at night and the cold in the winter will be very valuable people, and their supplies will be precious commodities if (and I did say IF) a disaster of this magnitude befalls us.

    They will need to be able to defend themselves.

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