Incident Reports

TSA Removes 2 Passengers From Phoenix Bound Flight 192

Two passengers were removed from a Phoenix-bound flight Saturday after others aboard the plane noticed “suspicious” activity.

Suzanne Trevino, a spokesperson with Transportation Security Administration (TSA), said US Airways Flight 192 was inbound from the Orlando Airport when several passengers reported seeing two other passengers talking “suspiciously.”

TSA and officers from the Phoenix Police Department met the plane at the gate when it arrived at Sky Harbor Saturday night.

Officials say the two passengers were removed by authorities and were being questioned by the FBI.

Trevino did not confirm any descriptions of the suspects or what the “suspicious” talking entailed.

Representatives with Sky Harbor and US Airways have declined to comment on the incident, instead referring questions to TSA officials.

Airport officials said the incident did not impact airport operations.

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  • They will keep trying and eventually they will get it right. We have to be right 100% of the time and they only have to get it right once. EVERY single passenger on a flight needs to stay awake and monitor the person who is next to them. It’ll be easy….just watch the ones who look middle eastern or muslim….too bad if you don’t like profiling….IT WORKS. Not every time but more often than not. Enough pussy footing around, employ profiling and more attempts will be circumvented. All profiling is, is one more tool in the toolbox of Law Enforcement. Remember…if you’re flying, stay awake and pay attention….it might very well save your life and the lives of the people on that plane with you.

  • One other thing…this was probably not a single attempt. If you know anything about our enemies, you should know they are cunning…not smart as some have described them, but cunning…like an animal. They are “opportunists” and when an opportunity presents itself they take advantage of it. They practice and practice….calling it “dry runs” to find the weak spots in security, then they capitalize on that and strike when the opportunity is there. Keep watching because as I said, this is part of a larger plot to instill fear if nothing else, but they’ll take warm bodies (dead ones) when they can.

  • This is a time when we need to be extremely vigilant…not just when we are flying but everywhere we go. The terrorists are in the attack mode but they are using dry runs to intimidate and test our weaknesses. I’m asking everyone who reads this to pay attention and don’t allow fear to keep them from speaking out. Law Enforcement cannot do everything, or be everywhere.

    Look up and keep with you; phone numbers for local Police Departments non-emergency numbers or use 911 if you consider the theat to be immediate. Also have numbers for: the FBI, Homeland Security, TSA, and all other terror hotline numbers. PLEASE look them up, write them down, and keep them handy. DO NOT HESITATE to call them if you see anything suspicious. By having, and using, these numbers, you may save the lives of friends and loved ones. LWD is the person who means the most to me in this world and I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to do whatever I could, to keep her safe. You, I’m sure, have people in your lives who are just as important, so look at it from a personal perspective…the person, or persons, you save may be someone important to you, not just people you don’t know. Most people think terrorism ‘doesn’t affect their own lives, it only happens to others,’ should start to think differently…that they shouldn’t wait until it touches their own lives. Then…it’s too late. We are living in very dangerous times and either we stand up and fight, or we give up and lose. Make no mistake, our enemies are coming for us. Now, more than ever…Eternal Vigilance is the price we pay for freedom.

  • And the terrorists attempted their recent attack on America’s religous holiday, Chritmas. I guess, NOW we can do the same.
    Even if Obama doesn’t consider this country, a Christian country? The terrorists do!
    The terrorists told federal officials, that “more are coming” and that he had ties to Alkieda. But, Washington has to VERIFY those commetents. They were also told that after the first attack on the Twin Towers?
    Hey Washington, can you connect those two “dots”?

  • Enough of the “Politically Correct” bull$hit. Sensible Americans have had a belly full of 75 year-old Asian women being asked to remove their shoes in airport screening lines. Get with the program, TSA, and begin body searches of young, foreign speaking, Middle-Eastern and African males. Only the leftist media will notice or care. The rest of us will thank you for doing your job.

  • Benton2005-you are right as rain! I have been carrying these numbers for years now…People stay awake and alert on your plane, and prior to going through security…See an unattended bag-say something to security! The days of too many drinks and tuning out with earplugs and eye masks are OVER…”SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING”…The flight attendants are very skilled and trained but can not see and do everything. Take some responsibility, like the passenger from Amsterdam that stopped the “crotch bomber”. He was one out of how many? that did nothing but watch and scream. If you have a concern-tell someone. Tell until someone investigates. Totally throw out the idea you might appear prejudeous…think how offensive it is to allow someone to die when YOU could have saved them by steping forward and speaking up. You must share this info with all those you love. Nothing to do on the plane? …then time how long and how often and who and when someone goes to the lavatory on your next flight…write it down…show all the flight attendants or, tell others…look alert friends…I need you am I am counting on you.

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