Homeland Security News

National Security Adviser – Airline Bomber Report To Shock

James Jones, national security adviser for the White House claims Americans may experience “a certain shock” as they take a look at a report to be released this Thursday that will explain overlooked hints that may have kept the alleged Christmas Day bomber from actually even getting onto the flight.

Authorities did not take any action when suspicions came up concerning a military psychiatrist, Maj. Nidal Hasan. Hasan has been guilty of killing 13 people. The White House will have an unclassified statement this Thursday about what had gone wrong during the event in which a 23-year-old man from Nigeria attempted to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight.

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  • Watched President Obama give his speech relating to the Christmas Day bomber. I was glad to see him state that he took responsibility for the lack of proper security by stating the “buck stops with me”….wonder where he got that line from? (good ol’ HST) ha ha! Seriously, if he wants to improve our safety, then the first thing he MUST do is “SECURE OUR BORDERS” followed by proper screening of passengers coming into our country by air or sea is next. Also, has it ever occured to anyone that al Queda loves watching our news broadcasts when they (al Queda) pull off an attack or attempted attack? They use the media as an information source for their operations at times. It would be best to block the news media from broadcasting events and let our security/intelligence forces do their work first, THEN, release information about attacks or attempted attacks. Sounds difficult but it can and should be done. Why provide the enemy with information that could assist them in carrying out coordinated attacks?

  • Very true. Last Week I read an article in one of the local papers about how a reporter was able to get titanium through the metal detectors at JFK airport. And as if that’s not enough, they went on to give exact models of guns and knives that were almost completely made of titanium.

  • Ok. So who is the US going to target? And with what – drones? That definitely has been useful – over there, but here in the US, our security measures are a joke. Please tell me the borders are secure. Please tell me our ports and airfields are secure. These TSA agents look like anything BUT alert CT people. And Mr. Jones (above), mentioned in the article – at what point are we going to direct intel measures INSIDE the country? I’d love to see a response to that. I understand the Constitution.I also understand that since Vietnam, Americans do NOT have the stomach for a protracted war.

    Fort Hood was just a warning shot.

    Pick one or the other America. We can fight – which means you may be slightly inconvenienced, or we can sit back and hope our troops can get the job done. Having been a former “troop” this is a losing proposition. Any Vietnam vets out there. What did you think of American policy the early 60s to the early 70s. Any of this ring a bell?

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